🔥Your Wisdom Teeth are Removed❄️

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Waking up after your wisdom teeth removal, you were greeted by a fog of grogginess and discomfort. Your mouth felt swollen, and there was a persistent throbbing in your jaw. You blinked a few times, attempting to focus on your surroundings. Gradually, the sterile, white walls of the dental clinic came into view.

The nurse, a soothing presence with a kind smile, was standing by your side, patting your shoulder gently. "The procedure went well, and you're in the recovery room. You'll be back to yourself in no time."

You managed a subtle nod and she gave you a small smile before leaving the room. 

As you continued to regain consciousness, you became aware of another presence in the room. Todoroki Shoto was sitting in a chair beside your bed, his two-toned hair and serious expression making him stand out against the clinical backdrop.

"Hey," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm, "you did great in there."

You tried to smile in response, but the discomfort in your mouth made it more of a grimace. Todoroki's bi-colored eyes softened with concern as he reached out to adjust the blanket that covered you.

The nurse continued to explain the aftercare instructions, but you found it difficult to concentrate. Your thoughts were still hazy from the anesthesia, and you were more focused on the comforting presence of Todoroki by your side.

As the nurse concluded her instructions, Todoroki leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "You're going to be okay, Y/N. I'm here with you, and I'll take care of you."

A rush of gratitude filled your heart. You knew that Todoroki had rearranged his schedule to be with you during the procedure and recovery, and his unwavering support meant the world to you. Still, you couldn't help but feel a little guilty when you heard his phone continue to buzz quietly from his jacket that was draped over the chair. He noticed that your focus had shifted to it, and he waved his hand dismissively. 

"That's just my father, he can wait." 

The nurse left the room, giving you both some privacy. Todoroki pulled up a chair and sat closer to your bedside, his eyes locked onto yours. His cool hand found yours under the blanket, his touch offering reassurance.

Todoroki spoke softly, his words soothing in their gentle cadence. "You look like a pufferfish," he said with a slight, half-smile.

You managed a small, pained chuckle, which elicited a faint, genuine smile from Todoroki. 

Despite the pain and discomfort, being with Todoroki made the situation more bearable. He stayed by your side, providing a steady stream of support and affection.

Over the next hour, as the anesthesia's effects continued to dissipate, you started to feel more alert. Todoroki kept you company, sharing stories of his training at UA High and his experiences with his classmates. His voice was calming, and you found solace in his presence.

When the nurse returned to check on your progress, she was pleased with your recovery. She handed Todoroki a list of post-surgery care instructions, including the importance of rest, hydration, and taking prescribed medications. He pointed to a few items and asked a few questions, and you could see the gears in his mind turning as he memorized everything the nurse was saying. He triple checked all the specifics, and you knew he was going to follow your recovery plan to the tee, whether you liked it or not. 

As the day shifted into evening, Todoroki remained with you. He held your hand, his thumb gently caressing your knuckles. He whispered words of encouragement and shared his thoughts, creating an atmosphere of ease and comfort.

When it was time to leave the clinic, Todoroki helped you to your feet, making sure you were steady and secure. The chauffeur his father had sent drove you both back to your place and made sure you were comfortably tucked in bed. He placed a glass of water on your nightstand and leaned in to press a tender kiss to your forehead. He pressed his right hand gently against your cheek and you could feel the soothing, cool air radiating from it. It helped to dull the pain, and after a few minutes he pulled away, tugging your covers up closer to you. 

"Rest well, Y/N," he said with a sincere smile, "I'll be right here."

You gave a small smile, the pain in your jaw having receded greatly. It didn't take long for sleep to claim you, and as you dozed off you could've swore you could hear Shoto humming a quiet lullaby. 

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