!N!💔| Eye for an Eye, Lover for a Friend| Keigo (Hawks) Takami

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TW/CW: descriptions of torture, gore, mentions of death

A/N: Haven't written angst in a bit. This one is a little lengthy (8546 words), so button up. 

"You don't understand, Mirko. He... they made me watch, made me listen as they-," Hawks sobs, burying his head in his hands as the words tear themselves from his throat. Mirko has a reassuring hand on his shoulder, trying desperately to support and calm her friend. 

The waiting room is filled with anxious, worried people, some waiting to be seen and others waiting to hear news of their loved ones. Keigo and Mirko sit away from everyone else, still reeling from the day's events. 

"Hawks... It's not your fault. They'll be... They'll be alright," Mirko murmurs softly, ears drooping as she tries to force a smile. 

"Y/N flatlined on the way here, Mirko! They had to be resuscitated!" Hawks snaps, an immediately regretful look snapping over his expression. He doesn't linger on that regret for long, though: he's far too scared and worried. "What if it happens again and the damn doctor can't bring them back? What if-.... No, no that can't..." 

Mirko freezes, swallowing back a response before taking a breath and rubbing Hawks's shoulder in a show of support. She speaks slowly, gently, trying to both calm him down and get as much information on what had happened as she possibly can. "Just... tell me what happened, Hawks."

Hawks sucks in a shaky breath, gritting his teeth as he sits back up and leans his head against the wall behind him. The memories of the past few hours rush through his head, on an endless loop that he can't escape. 

It was just supposed to be a recon mission, Y/N was supposed to be extracted safely. But something had gone wrong, the villains had caught onto them. Keigo had shown up to get them out of there, only to be captured himself. The villains had taken the two unconscious heroes to a warehouse, just outside the city. They had tied Keigo into a metal chair, ensured he won't be able to escape when he woke up. They had draped nets over his wings to prevent him from using his feathers to fight back, to escape. They dragged Y/N's unconscious form over to a set of hooks that hung from the high ceiling, binding Y/N's hands together and hoist them up, suspending them from the hooks. Their feet swayed inches from the ground, blood dripping down their face.

Keigo wakes up with a start, his wings flaring once against the chains that bind them. His face is filled with confusion as he tries to remember what happened. He looks down for a moment, and sees that his arms and wings are bound. His eyes narrow and his expression becomes cold and grim, and he struggles against the ropes tying him down.

But his struggle is fruitless, the ropes and nets keeping him firmly in place. With a soft sigh, he settles back into the chair, his eyes taking in his situation. He looks up at Y/N's hanging body, and his expression fills with horror.

"Aw, look who's finally awake," Dabi's voice taunts from somewhere behind Keigo.

Keigo turns to look in Dabi's direction, his face filled with anger and hatred. His eyes flash with rage, barely concealing his own fear.

"Put them down... Now." He shouts, his voice quaking with anger as he tries to break out of his bindings. The ropes shake and sway violently as he tries to escape, but they hold strong. He stares up at Y/N's unconscious form, his expression one of fear and concern.

"Tsk, tsk. Now where's the fun in that, Little Bird?" Dabi taunts, that malicious grin still plastered to his face. He struts over to where Y/N's limp form is suspended from the ceiling, his eyes roaming over the sight. He pulls a knife from his belt, flicking it open. His gaze slides towards Keigo, his tone dark as he speaks. "Now, how about we wake up your little lover, hm?"

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