!N!☁️| Succor | Eijiro Kirishima

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A/N: In case anyone was wondering, the definition of Succor (noun, pronounced suh-kr, like sucker) is assistance and support in times of hardship and distress. As this is a general comfort fic, I figured it'd make a perfect title. I'm writing this to the best of my ability atm, but if  y'all find anything that I could fix please do let me know! I also played around a bit with the formatting, so if there are any issues with that for Mobile readers, please lemme know and I will fix it!! 

TW/CW: gen comfort fic, mentions of depression/feelings of depression, minor issues with eating (ED references), spoons analogy used


You awoke to the faint chirping of the songbirds outside. Bright sunlight filtered in through the gaps in the curtain, illuminating your room in small streaks. Groaning, you tried to get up and move, but your body felt as though it were made of lead. You sighed and gave up: why get up, when your bed was so comfy and warm? Besides, it was a Saturday so it's not like you had school or anything. 

Still, as you lay there, staring at the ceiling, that nagging feeling in the back of your mind persisted. There was a heaviness in your chest as your emotions seemed to be at war with each other. You weren't quite sure why, your mental state just decided it'd be fun to dip into an all-too-familiar pit. You were kind of angry about it, too. You had been just fine the day before, and there hadn't really been anything to trigger such a response from your brain, yet here you were, battling old thoughts and the empty feeling that always returned with them. The past always seemed to haunt you, the old insecurities and troublesome memories. 

I should've...
Why didn't I...?
I'm so

Your phone buzzed quietly, interrupting your quickly spiraling thoughts. It was your boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima. Sighing quietly, you opened the messages he had sent. 

Good morning, lovely!!!
Did you sleep well?

Hey baby, are we still going 
to the park today? 

Y/N? Are you okay? 

Oooh, maybe you're sleeping!
I hope I didn't wake you up...

I'm gonna be at your place in a
few. I got you breakfast!

You groaned again, rolling over to face the other side of your bed. Now I gotta get up and get dressed, you thought to yourself begrudgingly. Even as you told yourself this, you still couldn't quite find the motivation to do so. Your body simply wouldn't listen, and if you were being completely honest you couldn't blame it. Overnight, it seemed as though your entire body, mind, and spirit were completely drained. 

You grabbed your phone and sent him a short reply, saying good morning back and apologizing for the late response. Then you simply closed the conversation, deciding to scroll through social media until he arrived. After about ten minutes, he sent another message to let you know that he was about to get on the elevator to come up to your apartment. It took quite a bit of effort (and lots of mentally cursing yourself), but you managed to get up and unlock the door for him before flopping back down on the couch. Your place was a few stories up and the elevator was slow, so it'd be a few more minutes before he would be at your door. 

Despite your current state, you found yourself smiling softly at the thought of having your boyfriend over. With your parents overseas on a business trip, it would be nice to have some company, especially from the one person who seemed to actually understand you. If you were being totally honest, Kirishima was the only person you wanted to see. 

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