!N!|⚠️|💔/☁️| Memories that Linger | Shinso Hitoshi

38 2 11

A/N: This one does handle a very heavy topic, so please read the warnings before continuing. If you or a loved one are going through anything similar to the topic of this oneshot, please do seek help whenever possible/safe for you to do so. 

TW/CW: SA/SA trauma and mentions of. Heavily triggering section is marked (beginning and end of) with "-⚠️-" and "-❌⚠️❌-".


Your cat meowed loudly, weaving in between your legs as you filled his bowl. You struggled to get all the food in as he kept bumping his head against your hands and arm, attempting to reach the food before it was in his bowl. 

"Good morning to you, too, Agro," you chuckled, reaching down to scratch between his ears as he buried his face in the bowl of food. Small pieces fell away into the floor, ignored by Agro's desire to devour his bowl. Your other cat, Rachet, was waiting patiently by her bowl. "Good morning, Rachet. Patient as always, huh?" you said before filling her bowl, too. She sniffed at the fresh pile of food before delicately starting to eat it, pausing to meow at you as if to say thanks. 

As you stood back up and deposited the empty cans of cat food into the garbage, your phone started ringing. You glanced at the caller ID, which read "Unknown Caller." Against your better judgement, you accepted the call. You were curious, and if it were a scammer then you could simply hang up. At least, that's how you justified swiping up on the little green circle at the bottom of your screen.

"Hello? Who is this?" you hesitantly said, waiting for the tell-tale tone of a scammer or automated machine. Those kinds of calls had become more frequent in recent months, and you were starting to wonder if the scammers would ever run out of things to try and trick you with. 

"Y/N?" a familiar voice cracked from the other end of the line. Shock rippled through you as you processed who it was:  you thought you'd never have to hear from them again. Ice raced up your spine and through your bones: ghosts from the past had the same effect as ghosts of the passed. 


"Yes, it's me. Don't hang up, I just wanna talk for a second. OK?"

Just hear what she has to say and then block her. Again. You told yourself, inwardly groaning as you pinched the bridge of your nose. After a few moments of silence, your mother continued speaking, as if to justify her violation of your no-contact agreement. 

"It's just been so long since we've talked, and I wanted to know how you're doing, and I just-"

"We both know that's not why you called. What do you want?" you snapped, not having the energy or the patience for her feigned compassion. You hadn't spoken to her for nearly 7 years, and hadn't planned on resuming contact anytime soon. Having blocked her number and all her socials, you honestly had believed she wouldn't reinvade your life again. The fact that she had found a way to do so, however, proved that she definitely wanted something, bad enough that she was violating a no-contact agreement that had been legally instated months prior. Your lawyer would be delighted to hear of this interaction: they had pressed you to sue your family, but you had declined. Now, it was seeming like a nice option. 

There was a few moments of silence, and you began to wonder if she was about to ask for money like she had a few years back, when she'd managed to find your social media accounts. Then, she had used a fake account to gain access to you. For her to obtain a phone and track down your new number, you figured she must've been pretty desperate. Surely her and your father couldn't be too bad off financially, though: they'd had a really nice retirement fund when you'd left home, and you knew they'd only kept building onto it afterwards. 

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