🌸Your Wisdom Teeth are Removed🌸

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After you had your wisdom teeth removed, the drowsy aftermath left you with a swollen face, cotton-filled mouth, and a considerable amount of discomfort. Mina had volunteered to take care of you during your recovery, and she showed up at your doorstep with a beaming smile and a bag full of soft foods, ice packs, and movies.

"Hey, babe," she said, as she entered your room and gently kissed your forehead. "How's my little chipmunk doing?"

You tried to respond but were met with a garbled mess of words thanks to the cotton in your mouth.

Mina giggled and said, "Aw, you're even cuter like this! Let's see, the doctor said you need to rest and eat soft things, right?"

You nodded, wincing at the pain. If you could talk and if your face wasn't aching as it was, you would've had some sort of smart comeback to her little teasing. You couldn't think of any at the moment, but you were certain there was a good comeback that had just been lost to the depths of the universe due to your condition. 

Mina started pulling out items from her bag, setting up a little recovery station on your bedside table. She had everything from yogurt and pudding to a Netflix-ready laptop and an ice pack shaped like a panda.  

"I hope I grabbed everything we'll need... OH and I was gonna bring you some extra icepacks and I even got some numbing cremes and like, I can get you some more soft, cold stuff too! I also didn't know what flavors of snacks you'd like so I kinda grabbed all of them," she excitedly rambled on, and you couldn't help but give a small smile at that. Of course, the smile didn't last long because a bolt of pain quickly spread through your face and you winced again, which certainly didn't help your situation. 

As the day went on, Mina did her best to keep you entertained. She played your favorite movies and tried her hand at charades when she couldn't understand your slurred speech. In her hurry to get enough snacks, movies, and icepacks, she had forgotten to grab a notebook for you to write with. At some point you started to sound like some sci-fi zombie, trying to say something you could no longer remember. Mina had simply laughed, the sound filling your room. 

After awhile, you were both sitting in comfortable silence and watching some rom-com on her laptop. Mina had helped you rinse your mouth and made sure you'd taken your meds, so you were waiting for those to kick in. You grumbled to yourself when you tried to say something about the film and pain shot through your jaw again. 

"You ok? I can get another ice-pack if you want, Y/N," Mina said, her voice full of concern as her eyes searched yours. She didn't wait for a response before snagging up the panda ice pack and holding it gently to your cheek. "Is that helping, at least?" 

You nodded, grateful for your girlfriend's support through this. You reached over and grabbed her free hand, enveloping it within your own before giving it a reassuring squeeze. She gave a bright smile and returned her attention back to the laptop screen, leaning into you as she did so. 

When evening rolled around, Mina prepared a soft and savory dinner, making sure to blend everything into a mushy consistency. "Alien stew-goop," she had called it. You rolled your eyes and gave a small chuckle as she handed you your plate and gave you a small peck on the cheek. You both sat on the couch, her hand gently caressing your cheek, as you munched on her homemade concoction. It was really good, if you could ignore the consistency of it. You knew you wouldn't be able to have mashed potatoes for awhile once you were fully recovered. 

Between bites, you managed to mumble, "Thanks for taking care of me, Mina."

She smiled warmly, her pink eyes filled with affection. "Of course, babe. I'll always be here for you, whether you're a chipmunk or not."

Mina leaned in and planted a soft, lingering kiss on your lips, careful not to hurt you. You leaned your head against hers for a few moments, simply relaxing into her presence. It was really nice to have someone who cared about you so deeply be by your side, and if you were being honest, there was nobody else you would have rather had with you. 

As the night went on, she stayed with you, keeping you company and ensuring your pain was manageable. With Mina by your side, the pain and discomfort of your wisdom tooth removal seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the warmth and love of your extraordinary girlfriend. Well, that, and the pain meds had finally kicked in and it didn't take long for you to slip into an almost comatose state of sleep. You were long gone when Mina had carefully tucked you in with plenty of blankets and planted a small kiss to your forehead. 

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