Chapter 7

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When we reach the dining room, most of the hyungs are already seated at the table. Jin hyung is seen preparing to serve the foods with the help of some maids. I did not notice the maids until now. Maybe they are busy with their own chores.

I was standing there awkwardly as I have no idea where I should sit until a raspy voice called out to me.

"Jimin." I looked towards the source of voice to see the alpha staring at me with his cold gaze. He gestured for me to sit on his left side. I quickly walk over and take a seat there. Once everything is done being placed on the table, Jin hyung sits beside me.

"Alright everyone, let's have our dinner. And also welcome to the Min Pack, Jimin. I hope you would enjoy your stay here," Hoseok hyung smiles at me.
"Th-Thank you, hyung."

I do not dare take the foods as I'm still a bit nervous so I only take the food placed in front of me. Out of nowhere, some of the meats and vegetables are being placed in my plate. I look to my side to see the alpha taking some of the foods for me.

"Thank you, alpha," I whispered.
"Yoongi hyung," alpha grumbled.
"Call me Yoongi hyung. Only outsiders and my subordinates call me alpha."
"O-Okay," I stuttered as I pick up my food.
"Okay who?"
"Yoo-Yoongi hyung."
"Good boy. Go ahead and finish up your food."

I ended up not taking any other foods as I finished up the one placed on my plate. Once I am done, I take my plate and was going to head to the kitchen when a hand shoots out and hold onto my arm.

"You can just leave it here, Jimin. The maids will clean everything up later," Jin hyung mentioned as he pulls me back to my seat.

I nodded as I place my plate gently on the table. I sit there fiddling with the hem of my shirt as I waited for everyone to finish up their food. The atmosphere is eerily quiet, but it seems like all of them are used to it. After a while of waiting, everyone finally finish up their food.

As everyone is getting ready to leave for their room, I slowly stands up. But Hoseok hyung's voice stops me. He gestures for me to follow him and no one seem to notice as he harshly pulls me towards the laudry room which are located at the back of the house. He push me in as he locks the door.

"Wh-What's wrong, Hoseok hyung?"
"Hoseok hyung, Hoseok hyung. Shut the fuck up," I flinched at the way he hissed at me.
"Did I do anything wrong?" I whispered as tears starts to well up in my eyes.
"Let me tell you, you are nothing but a breeding machine for alpha Min. He would never love you. I have been by his side since we are kids. And we are destined to be together. I won't let anyone steal him away. Not even you, a dirty omega," Hoseok hyung pointed at me as he slowly backs out of the room.

Before I can realised what happen, he already locks the room. I started banging on the door and screaming for him to let me out and I won't steal Yoongi hyung away.

"Stop calling alpha by his name. It's so disgusting coming out from your mouth," Hoseok hyung spits behind the closed door.
"Do-Don't leave me here, Hoseok hyung. Pl-Please, I beg you."
"No one can hear your screaming. Maybe staying a night here can teach you a lesson."

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