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The war soon ends with Min pack taking the victory. Jackson Wang loses and promise to never create war with the Min pack. As for Yoongi and Jimin, they are buried properly in the garden right beside the glass house. As for the rest, their life goes on with NamJoon leading the Min pack.

Around 3 years has passed and now, Jin and NamJoon has a handsome baby boy. As for Taehyung and Jungkook, they still don't have plans to have kids but they have settle down and become more mature. On the other hand, Hoseok still stays with them but sometimes he will helps NamJoon with some office work. Most of the time, he just keeps to himself and no one pay much attention to him.

One day, out of nowhere, they heard their door bell ringing. No one ever visits them. Jin quickly opens the gates to let the so-called visitors in. Once the mysterious person reach the front door, all of them stands behind the door as Jin cautiously pulls open the door. And there, they see them.

A couple. No, more like a reincarnate version of Min Yoongi and Park Jimin. But this time, they are a mated pair. Jimin got no ears and tails on him. As for Yoongi, he is in his wolf form, still looking so majestic with his shiny black fur, standing in front of Jimin and growling.

"No, Yoongi. We can't be rude to people," the reincarnate Jimin speaks as he caress the wolf.
"H-Hi," Jin speaks up.
"Oh, hi. How rude of us to not introduce ourself. I am Jimin and this wolf here is my mate, Yoongi. You see, we actually ran away from our village and we got nowhere to go. And we happen to bump into this huge mansion. So we are wondering if you guys would be kind enough to take us in, while we find for a suitable place," Jimin blushes as he scratch his head.
"O-Oh, of course. Feel free to stay here for as long as you want," NamJoon says as they stand aside to welcome the pair.
"Don't worry, Yoongi and I can help out with the chores," Jimin smiles as he carries both their luggage in.
"We have an empty room, the two of you can use it," Jin says as he helps to carry their luggage.

Jimin breathes out a thanks as he and Yoongi follows them into the room. The rest of them was dazed. The couple, they are exactly the reincarnate of Yoongi and Jimin. There's no doubt. And it must be fate that leads them here once again.

The rest of them felt a sense of relief as they are able to meet again. As for Yoongi and Jimin, they manage to settle in within a few days. It feels like they used to live here.

"Yoongi, I'm glad we are able to find a nice family."
"I'm glad you are happy, my Jimin."
"Silly, I will be happy everyday as long as we are together," Jimin giggles as he cuddles into Yoongi's chest.
"I love you and always will," Yoongi whispers as the both of them drifts off into the dreamland.

Authors Note:

Alright, finally the story comes to an end. I hope you all enjoy this.
See you all in my next book.

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