Chapter 24

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To celebrate the good news, Jin hyung cooked up a lot of good foods including seafoods which he does not really like cooking as it wastes time. Everyone dots on me and was pilling foods non-stop onto my plate.

I glance over at Hoseok hyung but he does not look so pleased and happy. Instead, his face has darken a bit as he eats his food quietly. No one seems to notice this. I just kept quiet and eat my foods.

Once all of us are done, Hoseok leaves for his room without saying anything. The rest of them went about to do their things except for Yoongi hyung. He stays by my side the whole time as if I would disappear any second.

"Minnie, let's take a stroll around the garden."
"But the sky is starting to get dark. Won't it be dangerous?"
"It's fine, Minnie. We got more than enough protection. My army are placed all over the house and they are trained to be on standby 24/7."
"If you say so."

Yoonie held onto my hand as we leaves the house. The moment I step out, I can feel the cold breeze hitting my face. I shivered a bit but soon I can feel Yoongi hyung drape a coat over my shoulders.

"When did you get that?" I giggle.
"It's a secret," Yoongi hyung smile as he place his index finger on his lips.

We are strolling around when suddenly an arrow landed in front of us. Yoongi quickly place me behind his back and he whistle for his army. One of the guy suddenly jump over the wall and kneel in front of Yoongi hyung.

"I want you all to highten your senses and keep your eyes on your surrounding. They are attacking earlier than we expected."
"Yes, alpha," the man nod as he disappear.
"Minnie, I'm sorry but for now you have to stay in the house," Yoongi hyung said as he frantically pull me back into the house.
"Wh-What's wrong?"
"Jimin, what I can tell you is each pack have their own enemis and they usually create wars between each other and we have our fair share of enemies."
"Yo-You won't be in any danger right, Yoonie?"
"Of course, I won't," Yoongi hyung said as he caressed my face and place me on my bed.

Once he make sure I am tucked in comfortable, he left the room. I just hope that we can get through this together.

It would always be you//YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now