Chapter 12

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Hoseok POV

The last thing I remember is going to sleep with Yoongi by my side.But when I turn around, I can't feel his body. The only thing beside me is a cold empty bed. Did he went somewhere without letting me know?

I stands up to go look for him around the house but I can't seem to find him anywhere until I heard some melody coming from the back of the house. I can't hear it clearly but I know it must be alpha's playing his piano in the glass house. We are ordered not to interrupt him during his seesion so I decided to walk back to our room.

When we first all moved in, Yoongi make it a rule that no one is allowed into the glasshouse, not even me, his beta. Of course, I respect his decision as I love my alpha.

Once I'm back in the room, I decided to look out of the window and see Yoongi playing the piano. What I like about our room is that we are able to look into the glass house directly. As I was enjoying the piano sounds, it suddenly came to a stop.

I look down to see Yoongi walking out of the glass house towards someone, with ears on top of the head. I saw them talking and suddenly they are both walking into the glass house.

Wait, I thought Yoongi does not allow anyone inside the glass house. Why is he inviting Park Jimin in? And he even let Jimin sit beside him. My chest started to hurts as tears roll down my cheeks.

Did Yoongi changed? Has he become soft just for a stupid omega? We promised that we will love each other. Getting an omega is just to give birth to his heir. After that, we will raise the kids ourself and the omega will be sent back.

He even let Jimin lay his head on his shoulder. Me and Yoongi have been childhood sweethearts. Everyone was jealous and envy of us. But look at what we have become now.

I can't help but grit my teeth as my hands curled up into fists. I won't let a mere omega come between me and Yoongi. I will let you know to never cross your line. Seems like the warning I gave on his first day was not enough. This time, I will make sure you does something that will make the alpha hates you and kicks you out of the house.

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