Chapter 21

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Yoongi POV

I was in deep slumber when I'm suddenly waken up by some sweet smell and noises. I sit up to find Hoseok gone. Has Jimin's heat started.

I decided to stay in my room first, just in case. However, not even 5 minutes later, I am once again hit by the waves of sweet smell. In a blink of eye, I find myself standing in front of Jimin's room. I can hear him calling out for me as he softly hit the door. My first instinct told me that I want him and he's mine.

Then it hit me. My mate. I finally found you. His smell soon starts to wash over me as I fumble with the handle. It was locked. Who the hell locked the door?

"Jimin!" I screamed as I bang on the door.
"Yo-Yoonie. Help," he whimpers.
"Yoongi, stop it. You will break the door down," Jin hyung pushed me away.
"Open the damn door. Now!"
"Jesus, fine. So angry for what."

The moment he unlocks the door, I pull open the door and find Jimin on the floor naked. The door behind us was locked and I take that as a sign.

"Minnie, my mate," I huffed out as I carried him onto the bed.
"Jimin, my dear. Look at me," I whispered as I gently push his hair to the side.
"Al-Alpha, want."
"Jimin, would you consent to whatever is going to happen later?"
"Yes,yes Yoonie. Please, everywhere hurts," Jimin cried out as he started pulling onto my clothes.

Without hesitating, I take off all my clothes and slowly insert my erected cock into Jimin's asshole. He is a bit tight but with the amount of slick, I slipped in easily. Once I make sure Jimin is fine, I start by rocking slowly only for him to hit my chest and ask me to move faster.

"Do not regret what you say, Minnie." I growled as I fasten up my pace with every thrust hitting his prostate.

Jimin is now screaming and moaning from both pain and pleasure. I turn him around to face me as I dive down for a kiss with him. It was passionate and looks like it's full of love. I pull away and sigh in relief, as if I have manage to complete the missing piece in me.

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