Chapter 27

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The dead fetus was removed and now I'm back on my bed. Laying there as I feel like my world turns into black and white. Yoongi hyung was kind enough to stay with me the whole time.

"Minnie, you need to eat. You are getting thinner," Yoongi hyung whisper sadly as he caress my ears.
"N-No, I can't," I croaked as tears started to fall down my cheek.
"Baby, everything will be fine. We still has many chances, right? Yoonie will always be here for you."

I can only nod as I bury my face into Yoongi hyung's chest. I don't know how long I have been sleeping when I'm suddenly waken up by the door being open harshly. A frantic NamJoon hyung came running in as he wake Yoonie up.

"Hi, Minnie. Sorry for interrupting your sleep but I need to borrow Yoongi."
"Yoongi. Wake up," NamJoon hyung pulls Yoongi hyung up as he drags him out of the bed.

Once they are out of the door, Jin and Tae hyung came into my room with pillows and blankets.

"Hi there, Jimin. Tonight we will be accompanying you," Tae hyung beams as he and Jin hyng squeeze themseves into the bed with me sandwiched in the middle.
"Is there anything happening?" I asked.
"Of course not, silly. We just wanted to accompany you and cheer you up," Jin says as he hush me back to sleep.

I did not think much of it as I falls back asslep in a while. That night, I had a strange dream. In my dream, Yoongi hyung and I reincarnate as a pair of mate and we happens to end up in front of house where the rest of the members are standing there.

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