Chapter 28

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"Found anything yet?!" Lloyd whisper-yell over his shoulder.

"Wait! I think this is it!"
They crowd around Kai, who was holding a book in his hands.

Nya peered at it closely "Purple cover, gold inscriptions and spine...matches the photo. This is it!"

Cole shoved it deep into Lloyd's bag, "Then we need to get it back to the garage,"

They make their way to the door and exit the library, shutting it behind them. As they make their way to the lobby, they see the front-desk guy scrolling aimlessly through his phone. Quietly, they manage to sneak out and towards their bikes.

"Bike's busted," Cole snapped, "needs more gas,"

Kai rummaged through his compartment truck and bought out a canister, throwing it to Cole. He catches it neatly and starts filling up the gas tank. The smell of gasoline wafts through the air and hits Lloyds nose.

Once he was finished, everyone gets on their own bikes. Lloyd get on Cole's and they make their way out of the car park and down the roads.

"What about Lloyd's car?" Kai asks through the intercom.

"Screw my car! This is more important, we'll come back for it later!"

Nya's voice cuts through the short silence, "Hey guys, who's that? In the middle of the road?"

Cole  squints his eyes and his head jerks back, "That's an SoG member! They must have been tipped off about the map and book! 180! Now!" Cole proceeded to do a U-turn, so sharp, Lloyd holds on for his dear life.

"Wait!, We're boxed in!" Nya yelped. And she was right. On every way out, 2-3 SoG members were on their bikes, blocking the way. They were brandishing knives and guns.

"And they're armed and moving in on us!" Lloyd yells.

Grabbing the bag off of Lloyd's shoulders, he throws it into the air, and Kai catches it neatly.

"Nya, go straight forward, and don't look back!" She obeys, and zooms through the small gap the SoG members had left unguarded.

"What are you doing?!" Cole asks Lloyd. He looks at him for a split second.

"Just trust me," He looks at Kai, who seems to also realise what was going on. Lloyd watches as they exchange a quick nod and then it hits him. Kai throws the bag up in the air, and above a row of houses. They watch in silence...

"Got it!"
They cheer and Cole speaks through the intercom again, "Nya, go straight to the garage, and do not stop!"

"On it!"

"Meanwhile," Kai cracks his knuckles, "We are gonna kick some ass-"

"There...may be a slight problem," Lloyd cuts him off,

"Some of the SoG members just went after Nya,"

Cole slams his foot down and speeds off in the direction Nya went, Kai following right behind. "Sis, you got some on your radar!" Kai shouts into the intercom.

"I see them brother,"

Through the side mirrors, Nya could see that she had a motorbike on either side, plus one following close behind. Grinding her foot down on the pedal, She sees the speed-o-metre rising. Her eyes narrow in concentration.

She could make it...just needed to time it perfectly...

Out of nowhere, a bike speeds up, coming straight towards her. Everything went in slo-mo, the bike leaning on its side. The rider slashes at herwheels with their knife, and her own bike topples to the side, before skidding and falling. Nya clasps the backpack tightly, and the moving stops.

Nya was...where was she? It was almost nightfall, making it harder to see. Her bike wouldn't start up, and the members were approaching her.

Great. Just great.

Nya breaks into a sprint, slinging the bag over her shoulders and pulling her phone out.


"Sis! What happened?! We've been trying to reach you?! We hadn't heard since you told us you could see them on your radar!"

"I know, I know. One of the members managed to jam my bike. I couldn't get it to start so now I'm running."

"Where to?"

"I don't know!"

"Turn your tracker on!"

Nya cuts the call and turned her location on. Just as I do, someone tackles her to the ground, hands scrabbling for the bag. Nya punches them in the face, and they recoil, clutching their nose. Just as Nya was about to punch them again, they sent a punch back.

Nya could feel the thick blood dripping from her nose, and cry out as they punch her in the stomach, twice as hard.
Nya gets pushed to the ground, groaning as she tries to get up from her knee. She was in pain yet she could tell the blood dripping off on her nose.

One of the sog members walks over to her, grabbing her by the neck up in the air, choking and unable to breathe.

Was this how Nya was going to die?

One of the strongest members of the sog; Killow raised his fist back and was about to punch Nya when suddenly..


He gets slammed by a motorcycle which happens to be Kai's; and oh was he pissed. He's been pissed before but you could see stream bursting out of his face.

All of the sog members runs to Killows side to see if he's okay while Kai gets off of his motorcycle and runs to his sisters side very worried yet..he didn't have time to worry for his sister at this exact moment.

Kai looks around and finds the bag, it gives it to Nya in a harsh instinct. He helps Nya get up from the ground and gets her onto his motorcycle.

"Nya, I need you to drive back to the garbage with the book and stop the sons of garmadon plan." Kai had said to Nya, from the looks of it; he wasn't joking around which gave Nya a shock because normally, Kai never lets anybody ride on his motorcycle.

"But what about you?"

"I'll stay behind and fight off the sog members. Even if that means they'll either kill me or knock me out cold. But I'll take one for the team."

"No Kai! I'm not letting you sacrifice your own life for me. Your my brother, I need my brother by my side."

"Well you don't have a choice ny-ny. It's either you get on that bike and save ninjago or we both die right here and right now. You deserve better. I've been a horrible brother by hiding our fathers death behind your back. I've also hidden a lot of secrets that father didn't want you or mother knowing. It's time that I do you a favor."

"No! I'm not leaving you-" was what Nya was going to say before she and Kai heard the sons of Garmadon members foot steps running towards the smith siblings.

"Just go Nya! I'll be fine. Trust me." Kai said as he smiled at his sister; knowing that for him it'll be alright for her to leave him with the sog members.

That smile that Kai gave his sister broke Nya's heart. She didn't want to leave her brother here to fight but what choice did she have ? It wasn't like she could outrun the sog members with her brother, she wouldn't even stand a chance against them. It was the smith siblings against 10 of the members yet Kai knew that even he wouldn't even stand a chance. He knew his worth but it would give Nya time to drive away from the sog members.

Nya sighs as she gives her brother a nod. She turns on the engine and speeds off, unable to look at her brother. She just couldn't.

There were tears in her eyes yet she had to be brave. For her brothers sake. But Nya knew that she would find her brother and get him back. She needed him. Kai has always been there for her since day 1. She really didn't want to leave her brother but she had no other choice. All she could do was hope and pray that he would be okay..

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