Chapter 34

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Zane, Lloyd and Seliel went straight to the royal family, unlocking their handcuffs and ran out of the room with them. The rest of them went straight for the guards, attacking them with their swords. Kai went straight for the masks; he knew what he was doing.

"Don't!" Harumi shouted as she ran towards Kai, who had his hands onto the mask.

"You'll ruin the plan!" Harumi yelled out which got everybody's attention.

"That's the idea dumbass, I made a promise to my father that I was going to stop your stupid plan." Kai said as he pulls the mask out with both to his hands, it was hard trying to grab the mask knowing that the spell was almost done. After struggling the portal in the sky had stopped. The oni warriors was nowhere to be found.

"You monster! You ruined everything every time!" Harumi was at her limit as she attacks Kai with a knife, Kai was practically dodging her attacks but he knew that she wasn't going to stop attacking him.

He grabs Harumi and Kissed her, making Harumi drop the knife and enjoying the kiss. Harumi loved Kai but..Kai didn't love her back still but he knew that if he kissed her..the grip on the knife that she was holding would lose up.

Kai carefully pulls out the knife he had in his pocket and stabbed her in the heart, making her suffer as he says these words very heartless.

"I will never fall in love with a women like you. You have done nothing but hurt me and my family. You almost killed my sister and my mother. Don't ever fuck around with me because I'm not a toy bitch." Kai says as he drops Harumi to the ground, he looks over to the mask and grabs it.

Kai looked at Cole who was fighting the guards as he breaks the mask, making a loud explosion in the palace. Everybody groaned in pain as Cole tries to look for Kai, who was covered with the building pieces that fell on him.

Cole removes them with his strength as he held Kai in his arms. this was Cole's worst fear.

"Kai! Wake up! You have to wake up!" Cole yells out, hoping that he would wake up. He had too.

Kai finds himself in a place that was empty, it was filled with grass but it looked like heaven.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" Kai shouted when he sees a figure..a figure that he would never thought he see again.

"Hello son." Ray had said as he turns around to see his son, Kai didn't know what to do. Whether to cry or not. He was seeing his father in front of him.

Kai ran to him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow, he couldn't believe it. His father was okay

"You're here." Kai could say as he starts to cry, he missed his father so much.

"I'm here son." Ray says, hugging his son back. It was good to have his son back into his arms.

"What is this place? What happened?" Kai says as he removes himself from his father.

"Well..You faced destruction with dignity and courage and you responded with love. There is no greater response." Ray says, walking towards the tree that looked it was miles away.

The moment that they got to the tree, Kai could see Cole's parents..Lily and Lou. They were here with his father, Alive.

"Your..coles parents. He told me a lot about you guys-" Kai was instantly greeted with a big strong hug from Lily. 'Yep, like mother like son.'

"It's so good to finally meet you! hows cole doing?" Lily had said with a smile on her face.

"Good as always, he misses you..a lot more than others." Kai was being honest. Cole did in facts always missed his mother, he often talks about her a lot which made lily smile a lot.

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