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Six Months Later

"Baby, look." I blinked back
tears as I stared at the
monitor where our baby
was moving around.

We'd done it.

We'd actually created
another life, as we'd been creating our own.

Ever since my proposal or Jungkook's as he tells it, liking
as he does to take credit for
that night just becos he was
the one to say the actual
words, our lives had been
a whirlwind of changes.

He had already moved into
my house but now he really moved in, hook, line and

We had too much furniture
and stuff for my tiny place
and we had to start looking
for a place for us both, one
that would fit us and the
family we hoped to have.

It was only a month afterward that we were sitting in the
Diner where we'd been sitting
all those months ago with the same people, hobi, Tae and
Jin, when Jungkook had
turned green and run to
the bathroom.

We'd all been concerned
sure, to make sure he was
okay but we were also completely convinced we
knew why he was sick, just
like last time with hobi.

Jin had joked that if he
ever found someone willing
to stick around, he'd have
to discover he was
pregnant in the same diner,
just to carry on tradition.

That wasn't the only
tradition we'd created
either since we really
began our lives together.

We also had a tradition now
of every Friday night locking
our doors and closing our
blinds and having a movie
night together.

We'd argue over which movie we'd watch all week, only to always settle on one we both wanted usually a rewatch
as opposed to the new ones
we argued over a few mins before we settled down.

We would each bring home
our favorite takeout food
that we wanted the most
and as his cravings got
worse, the food got better.

Then we'd settle in to watch
the movie, me with silent concentration and he with constant commentary.

He was also annoyingly
fantastic at spotting continuity errors in movies but I'd even gotten used to that and
been able to tune it out
enough to still enjoy what
ever we were watching.

But Fridays had also started
a new tradition, one that we
didn't tell our friends about.

Unlike our movie night
tradition becos each Friday
night without fail, no matter what movie we were
watching, we'd end up on the couch, naked and sweating, making love to each other
as the light from the screen danced across our backs.

It was one of those nights
that had led to this beautiful moment, this moment when
we both strained to hear our baby's heartbeat through the ultrasound machine as we scanned the strange black
and green image to find
the outline of our baby boy
on the screen.

The doctor smiled at us,
probably very used to new parents acting a bit over
the top around their baby.

For the first time, I didn't
care if someone thought I was ridiculous or even made fun
of me for being too much.

This was our baby, nothing
could make me stop melting every time I thought about
it or saw Jungkook's rounded stomach or got to hold both
my husband and baby in
my arms at the same
time as we fell asleep.

This was everything I'd ever wanted but so much more
than I'd ever dreamed.

I was determined to make
sure I never put that under threat or lost it again.

 ✨MY LIGHT IN THE DARK ✨ || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now