3 - The Argument is Over

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Shoto's POV:

I cough out a bit of spit as another punch is sent to my stomach. I fall onto my knees and cough a few more times. The pain in my head from the blow earlier slowly makes me woozy.

"Get up Shoto, if that hit sends you on the ground any assassin could kill you." My father says from above me.

We were in the training area of the royal gardens. The royal gardens stretch out for miles and miles in each direction, a maze of pristine hedges and exotic flowers, extremely decorated fountains around the place.

Such a beautiful place to do such an awful thing.

I weakly stand on my feet and look back at my father. "After this next one, we're going to walk down to the Twin Fountain." He says gruffly. I nod before I gag and vomit onto the smooth marble floor. Enji grimaces and calls on a maid.

The maid helps me to a granite bench and sit down next to me, cleaning my mouth while another servant cleans the throw up.

My vision swirls as my headache gets worse. I blink a few times.

"Your Highness, are you feeling dizzy?" The maid asks me.

I nod as I tentatively touch my temple. I wince and pull away.

The maid looks at my father. "Your Majesty, I believe Prince Shoto needs medicine and rest." She says. "He might have a concussion."

I don't look at my father but I hear him impatiently sigh and I assume he nods, because then the maid helps me up and into the maze back to the palace. She was asking me a few things, but I wasn't answer her very well.

After we get to the infirmary, the maid sits my down and calls a nurse.

The nurse comes in and sees my condition. She go and collects what looks like an ice pack and a small syringe.

She sits next to me and presses the ice pack to my skull. "Hold still, Prince." She says as she inserts the syringe. "This is a very good medicine. But it will make you a little sleepy, okay?"

I nod slightly.

"Your Highness, Her Highness Princess Fuyumi is coming to help with this." The nurse says. "I recommend resting for a few hours before more... training." Her tone gives away what she really thought of my 'practice'.

After a few minutes, I hear my sister coming in and talking with the maid before dismissing her.

"Shoto, are you okay?" Fuyumi says, concern full in her tone. "Oh dear Etris, what did Dad do now?"

I don't respond, instead I lean into her shoulder for comfort. Fuyumi sighs and places the ice pack to my head and strokes my hair.

"Alright, I think Touya is going to join us for dinner tonight and a few days later." My sister says. I don't respond. She frowns as I slowly drift to sleep.


I wake up in my bed. I sit up and rub my forehead. My temple pain was faded away mostly, it was only a slight discomfort in the back of my head. That medicine did help.

After a moment, I stand up and glance at the clock. 6:43. Alright, so not far away from dinner.

I sigh. My father probably was waiting to start training again.

A servant opens the door and noticed me up. "Your Highness, I've come to escort you to training." He says. I sigh and follow the servant.

When I open the sliding door to enter the garden area again, I swear I heard a stifled gasp.

I look around for the source of the sound but I was led away by the servant. Though the bushes near me seemed to be moving.

My father had his arms crossed when we go to the training area.

"Shoto, you cannot be so weak one hit makes you collapse." My father said. I lowered my head like a scolded child. "If that happens again, I'm taking away your trips to see your mother."

I flinch but didn't say anything. I don't want to make him anymore mad.

"Do you understand?" My father says. I give him a curt nod. He frowns and stepped up to me. "Give me a verbal answer." He grabs my arm and squeezes.

"Yes Father." I say quietly. The squeeze on my arm becomes harder. "Yes Father." I say louder. The squeeze lightens.

My father sighed. "You need to understand that you are a key part of this kingdom." He says. "If anything happened to you, the kingdom would fall apart. And that cannot happen."

"I know, father." I say. He lets go of my arm and it reveals a dark red mark. That will bruise. I think.

My father backs up again and gestures for a servant. "Go get medicine, in case Prince Shoto needs it." He says, staring at me. "But he won't. Right?"

"Yes." I say.

He nods. "Alright." He says before sending a punch to my chest. I stumble back before standing up straighter. I brace myself as another punch hits me in the side, and I evade the next punch.

The next punch hits my jaw. I stumble back onto the ground.

"Shoto." My father says. "Get up."

I nod and stand. I breathe out and stare at my father, who was now a few feet away.

"Come on." He says. "Attack."

My brow furrows as the headache from earlier seems to come back. I take another breath to calm my nerves and settle back in attacking stance.

A maid to the left of my father looked between us with worry. "Your Majesty, maybe a break would suit the two of you." She says. My father squinted at me and then turns to the maid.

"Alright, but next time, Shoto, give it your all." He warns. "I don't want to waste time to get you even weaker."

I nod and turn away. Then, I glance at the bushes and locked eyes with a hidden boy.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

Shoto and Izuku meeting???? 🫣🫣🫢🫢🫥

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