24 - Repair

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Izuku POV:

I walk with Shoto down one of the long hallways of the castle.

In the castle, Shoto has a different sense to him. He holds himself at a high standard, head held high and stiff. He even talked different.

I knew it was probably how he was raised. I slipped my hand in his as we walked, which made him falter just slightly. He looked at me and I gave him a smile.

He smiled back slightly, and then we came to our destination.

Apparently, Shoto's mom had been hospitalized in the castle mental clinic. Shoto told me he hasn't visited his mother since the incident, but he wanted to now.

We were greeted by a few nurses on our way inside. Then a nurse led us to another door and left once we approached it.

I notice Shoto's shaking as he reaches for the door, hesitating before grabbing it. He takes a breath before opening it, and I let go of his hand and stay next to the door. Still inside of course, for moral support for Shoto.

A beautiful woman was sitting by the window, her back to us. She had long white hair, going down to the middle of her back.

"Mom." Shoto says.

The woman turns, surprise glistening in her grey eyes.

I leave the room, giving them space.

Walking down the hallway back to the waiting room, I bump into another person. "Oh sorry about that- Prince Natsuo?" I yelp. The second youngest prince was in a hoodie for some disguise, but it was not working in the slightest.

He holds a finger to his lips. "Shush." He says. "I'm going to meet with someone."

"Who are you meeting?" I question. "And why are you going through the clinic?"

The prince looked like he was being caught. "Um, he doesn't have another way into the castle." He says, a small hint of blush on his cheeks.

I smirk. "Uh huh." I say. "Have fun, I guess."

He nods and leaves, and I walk all the way to the waiting room.

After 3 hours, Shoto comes back with a peaceful smile on his face. I grin at him, standing up.

"How was it?" I ask.

Shoto hugged me. "Great." He whispered into my hair. "We talked about everything. I explained what happened to Endeavor."

I smile. "Your brother was here." I say, looking down in the hallway Natsuo went down. "He said he went to meet with someone."

Shoto pursed his lips. "Let's go see." He says, grabbing my hands and dashing in the direction. I giggle into my hand and we run past several nurses. We approached two hallways and Shoto goes to a nurse. "Have you seen my brother?" He asks.

The nurse looks up. "His majesty?" She questions.

"No, Prince Natsuo." Shoto clarifies.

The nurse nods. "Yeah, he went that way." She points down the left hallway. "Another boy was with him, should I be concerned?"

Shoto and I shake our heads. "No, but thanks anyway." I say before we both head in the direction the nurse pointed.

Farther down the hallway, less and less nurses and doors were seen. At the end of the hallway, I could hear muffled laughter from the balcony. Me and Shoto exchange a smug look as we enter the balcony.

There was no one there. I look around, before hearing more laughter below the balcony.

Me and Shoto walked over to the stairs down from the balcony and on the grass and spotted Natsuo standing side by side with a boy with shoulder length white hair.

"Natsu?" Shoto questioned, causing both the boys to look up. Natsuo had a look of nervousness while the other boy had a look of shock and dread.

"Oh." Natsuo says. "Hey Shoto."

I frown at the other boy. He seemed familiar.

"Are you also gay?" Shoto asked bluntly.

Natsuo laughed while the other boy blushed red. "Sure." Natsuo says. "Yeah, I'm gay."

The other boy locked eyes with me for a split second. I started. "Oh fuck." I say, grabbing Shoto's arm and stepping back. "You- You're one of the people who kidnapped Shoto!"

Natsuo and Shoto snapped their head to the boy, who paled considerably.

"Tenko?" Natsuo questions. "What is he talking about?"

The boy froze, looking between Natsuo and Shoto. Then he bolted the other way, into the maze of a garden. Natsuo ran right after him, calling his name. Me and Shoto exchange looks before running after them as well.

I heard Natsuo calling the boy name over the crunching of falling leaves. After a moment of running, we caught up with Natsuo and Tenko. Natsuo had cornered Tenko against a bush.

Natsuo was holding the boy by both his biceps, trying to ask him questions with a concerned look on his face. Tenko was frantically shaking his head, on the verge of tears.

"Tenko, did you kidnap my brother?" Natsuo asks harshly, sounding like it was the third time he was asking.

Tenko shakes his head multiple times. "No, no, no, no." He mutters. "He's gonna find me. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me."

I frown. "Whose gonna to kill you?" I question.

"Maybe the other man in the room." Shoto says. Tenko tries to reach up to his face but Natsuo keeps his hands away. "There was another man in the room I was in."

Tenko whimpers. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I didn't want to, I swear."

Natsuo frowns. "I believe you." He assures. "You need to calm down. We'll figure this out."

"Did he use his magic on you as well?" Shoto asked. "That's what happened with me."

Tenko shook his head. "I'm horrible." He whispered.

"No your not." Natsuo says. "Can you.. explain what happened?" He asks as gently as he can. Tenko seemed to relax ever so slightly. "There you go, deep breaths, okay? Like we practiced." Natsuo eases him.

Natsuo inhales slowly, and Tenko follows him.

I smile slightly. And after a few deep breath's, Tenko seemed to have calmed down enough to talk.

His eyes flicker around, looking at the ground as his fingers fidget together. "Um.." He starts. "That man is All For One." Natsuo nods. "He started to take care of me when my parents died. He, I dunno, raised me." Tenko's eyes flickered up at Natsuo before looking back at the ground.

"When he kidnapped you.." Tenko flickered again around to everyone before again going to the ground. "I guess that's when I realized he wasn't good. But I couldn't help you since you escaped quickly." I remember when we found Shoto in the dark room, how his eyes lit up, how he fell unconscious.

Tenko sighed. "I ran away." He says. "Almost right after you left. And.. then I accidentally ran into Natsu." He shrugs.

I frown. "Wait." I say. "It would've been really hard for him to come into the castle and kidnap Shoto. Unless his powers..?"

Both Tenko and Shoto shake their heads. "No, master's powers only go through prophecy and such." Tenko says. "No, master- I mean All For One hired a specialist for that."

"Who?" Natsuo asks.

Tenko furrowed his brows. "I don't exactly remember his name." He says. "Takoma? Takamo? I don't know. But he went by Hawks."

I frown. That name was familiar.

Then it clicked.

"Was his first name Keigo?" I questioned, dreading the answer.

Tenko blinked as Natsuo and Shoto also stared at him. "Oh." He says. "Yeah, that's him."

Shoto looked at Natsuo. "Keigo is..." He trails off.

"Shit." Natsuo says.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.2k words)


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