25 - Strange

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Shoto POV:

Natsuo bursts open the large door into the kings bedroom, which was now Touya's room.

I saw the two, Touya and Keigo, cuddling up on the couch. Touya was holding a Book and they both were reading it. They both looked up at the door slamming noise.

"Shoto? Natsuo? Green Kid?" Touya questions. "What's wrong?"

Keigo raised an eyebrow at us all. He rose his head from Touya's chest. "Why do I feel like I'm about to be interrogated?" He asks, chuckling.

"Yeah." Tenko says. "That's him."

Keigo glanced at him for a second, looking back at me. Before snapping his eyes back to Tenko.

"Oh well shit." He says, sitting up. Touya sits up as well.

"What's wrong?" Touya asks, looking between Keigo and Tenko. "And who's this?"

Natsuo points accusingly at Keigo, who raises his arms in the way someone would if their being pointed at with a gun. "Your boyfriend was the one who kidnapped Shoto." He says.

Both Touya and Keigo raised an eyebrow. "Okaaay?" Keigo pronouncing the word. "Do you have any idea how much that paid?"

I glare at him. "Really?" Izuku asks, looking scandalized. "You don't care?"

Keigo shrugs. "He said he would kill you." He says. "Plus, I put a hidden camera on Shoto in case the dude lied. I would like that back at some point." I look down at my chest. "Its tiny, you can't see it."

Touya stretches his arms up. "Well, everyone's okay now, right?" He says. "It doesn't matter."

Natsuo facepalms. "Touya, your the king right now." He says. "You should be more aware of this stuff."

"I am aware." Touya says. "I just don't see the issue."

Keigo sighs, standing up. "Hey, listen." He starts, holding out his hands in a stop gesture. "I won't be hired by AFO anymore, okay? It was a one time thing."

Izuku and Natsuo frown simultaneously. Tenko continues fidgeting with his fingers.

"Yeah, besides, I already sent guards to where the guys base is." Touya says, flicking his hand in the air dismissively. He looked back at the book in his hand.

A knock came from the door, making everyone turn. A maid entered, clipboard in hand.

"Um, your majesty?" She asks, making Touya raise an eyebrow at her. "You have a conference with the representative of the Toshinori Kingdom."

Touya sighs, standing up next to Keigo. The blonde frowns in concern at his boyfriend.

"Alright." Touya says, leaving the room. "Are they already here? Please tell them to go to-" Touya closed the door behind him, leaving Keigo in the room of two angry teenagers, one angry young adult, and one nervous young adult.

Keigo chuckled nervously. "I know your upset, but we can put it in the past." He says.

"Really?" Izuku says skeptically. "So your just a secret kidnapper that randomly kidnaps princes?"

Keigo opens his mouth and closes it. "Technically, I'm an assasinapper." He says.

I blink at him. "What is that."

"And assassin and kidnapper." Keigo says, smiling. "And assassinapper!"

Natsuo squints at him. "How the fuck did Touya fall in love with a dumbass like you?" He deadpanned. Keigo makes a fake hurt.

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