4 - The Secret Helper

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Izuku POV:

After hours of walking in the tunnel, Tsu suddenly stops.

"Look! An exit!" She says, pointing forward.

We all run and then slow when we get to it. It was a pale door that looked like it was made of granite.

I grab the door handle and twist, unlatching it and slowly pulling it open. A large beam of light enters the dark tunnel and me and my friends all shield our eyes.

When my eyes adjust, I gasp.

Outside, was a beautiful fountain surrounded by a square of grass, which was surrounded by a smooth stone path. The area was closed off by a large hedge.

"Oh Breva." Tsu says behind me. "This is definitely the royal gardens."

We walk through the door and into the sunny area. I watch the fountain trickle water down and also spray it from above, with coins at the bottom of the little pool shimmering from the sunlight.

"Wow, this is beautiful." I say.

"We should leave immediately, this is trespassing on royal grounds!" Tenya says.

Ochako glances at the only opening in the tall hedge and creeps toward it.

"But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see what the gardens look like!" Ochako says excitedly. "And maybe even a glimpse at a royal family member."

Tenya raises an eyebrow. "These gardens go on for ages, we could get lost or get caught. You think we might see royalty in here?"

Just then, I hear a woman's voice around the corner. I froze and gestured for my friends to hide in the bushes. We barely got hidden before two girls entered the area, followed by three guards.

"Your Highness, the schedule for now is to go to the East Village to meet with the local people for the next hour." The first girl says. "You'll answer questions until 6:00, then go to the West Village."

The other girl nods thoughtfully. She had long white hair with red streaks that was up in a ponytail. Circular glasses that looked expensive were covering her grey eyes. She had a sleeveless silk dress that went down to toes. She had matching white boots and gloves, the boots being mostly covered by the dress and her gloves stopping at just below her shoulders.

I hear Ochako stifle a gasp next to me. That was Princess Fuyumi. I realize.

A guard opened the door to the tunnel we just came out of and they all entered. "Make sure everyone who wants to come is able, I don't want any unfair treatment." I hear the Princess say before the door closes, leaving me and my friends in silence.

We stayed silent for a long minute.

"Was that enough of a glimpse for you, Ochako?" Tenya says.

Ochako tumbles out of the hedges and face planted onto the ground. After she sat up, she glanced around for a moment.

"That was Princess Fuyumi!!" Ochako exclaims.

I push myself out of the bush I was in. "Yes, we all saw." I said.

Ochako clasped her hands together. "Everyone was right, she is as dreamy as they say." She pretended to faint dramatically.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grinned. "I don't know about you all, but I think we should take this opportunity to look around more" I say.

"I can't believe your agreeing with her, Izuku!" Tenya said. "Your supposed to be the sensible one!"

I smile. "A sensible person wouldn't yell in an area where we could be caught in." I tease.

Tenya frowns at me. Tsu pops out of her bush.

"Come on, let's explore." I say and start walking to the open hedge.


As we were exploring a weird different area of the gardens, that had a doorway, me and Ochako suddenly snap our heads as we heard a sound.

"Quick, in the hedges!" Ochako whisper-yells.

We all obey and hide in the leaves.

After a moment, the sliding door opens, and a servants comes in followed by a young boy. His hair was two tones, red and white. His eyes were also two different colors, one was the same grey as Princess Fuyumi's and the other was a lighting blue. He was wearing a sleeveless pitch black turtle neck, with matching dark brown pants. He had two bracelets on each wrist. I hear Ochako try and stifle a gasp again, but the boy heard it.

He turned and looked at the hedges. I swear he looked right at me.

After a moment, he follows the servant into the next area.

Another moment of silence.

"That's Prince Shoto." Tsu whispers in awe.

I hear Ochako quietly sigh. "Just like the rumors, he's as cold as ice." She says. "But as hot as fire."

"Where did you hear that rumor?" I question.

Ochako shrugs. "Around town, you know." She replies.

I get out of the hedge with a stumble. "We've seen two royalty now, is that enough for you?" Tenya says, exasperated with us.

Ochako gets out at the same time as Tsu. "Let's follow the Prince." She says.

Tenya immediately looks appalled. "Stalk a royal? What has gotten into you?" He says.

I smile at him. "It's about the thrill." I say simply.

And then I start following Prince Shoto.

After a minute of thinking we lost him, we see him turn a corner.

"Shoto, you cannot be so weak one hit makes you collapse." King Enji says. "If that happens again, I'm taking away your trips to see your mother."

My eyebrows furrow in thought. What does that mean? What does he mean hit?

I saw Prince Shoto flinch but he stayed quiet. My concern grew.

"Do you understand?" King Enji said. Prince Shoto gave him a stiff nod. I saw King Enji did not look appeased. King Enji moved forward and grabbed onto Prince Shoto's wrist. "Give me a verbal answer."  He squeezes his sons arm.

My face twists in disgust and shock. What was happening? Why was King Enji treating Prince Shoto like this?

"Yes Father." I heard Prince Shoto mumble. The arm on his wrist squeezed. "Yes Father." Prince Shoto says louder. King Enji let go.

The king sighs. "You need to understand that you are a key part of this kingdom." He says. "If anything happened to you, the kingdom would fall apart." He pauses. "And that cannot happen."

"I know, Father." I hear Prince Shoto say. The king releases his grip on his son. I saw a red mark on Prince Shoto's arm, and I almost cried.

The King looks at a maid. "Go get medicine, in case Prince Shoto needs it." He turns back to his son. "But he won't. Right?"

"Yes." The Prince says.

The King nods. "Alright." He says, before punching the Prince in the chest. I bite my tongue to keep myself from gasping. Prince Shoto stumbles to the side and stands back up.

I wince as I watch Prince Shoto take another punch and another to the jaw. He stumbles onto the ground.

"Shoto. Get up." The King says. The Prince nods and stands again. "Come on, attack."

I watch Prince Shoto furrow his brows for a moment.

A nurse suddenly interrupts. "Your Majesty, maybe a break would suit the two of you." She says. The king looks at the Prince before looking at the nurse.

"Alright, but next time, Shoto, give it your all." The king says. "I don't want to waste time to get you even weaker."

Prince Shoto nods and turns his head to the hedges. I inhale sharply as he locks eyes with me.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.2k words)

First meet soon omg 😱

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