14 - The Castle Walls are Thinning

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Fuyumi POV:

I walked down a hallway in the castle quickly, two maids were a few steps behind me, with notebooks in their hands.

"Then, if that doesn't work, get the next private investigator." I say, the only sounds in the large corridor were my tall heels clicking on the ground. "Father will have the old one executed, no doubt. Get an apology letter and money donations ready for the family."

I heard scribbling on the maids writing. The dress I was wearing today was a light sky blue color, only dropping just at my knees. Skin tight sleeves that acted as finger-less gloves. A white belt was squeezing at my waist, and I had knee length shiny white stilettos boots, the toes peeking out of the tip, painted cyan.

"Have any guards reported anything today?" I ask.

One of the maids shakes her head. "No, nothing was reported in the last 24 hours." She says. "Although four missing person's cases have been reported. All the same age as His Highness."

I stop, the clicking of my shoes silencing.

"So whoever is kidnapping Shoto, also kidnapped multiple other teenagers?" I question. "Does father know of this?"

The other maid shakes her head.

I groan. "Alright. Is Touya-nii still coming for dinner tonight?" I ask. "And Natsu, he's coming?"

The first maid smiles and nods. "You know Prince Natsuo would never miss an opportunity to see his brother." She says. "And yes, Prince Touya is coming tonight. I hear he's on his way by carriage as we speak. He should be arriving any time now."

I smile. "Alright." I say. "Pause on the decisions for right now. Let's go meet with my brother."


I rush out of the castle front doors and into the sunshine.

A huge carriage with four horses pulls up to the entrance of the lot. I smile widely and watch as the carriage circles the main fountain and in front of the large steps. I pull up my shirt and dash down the steps as the carriage door opens.

Touya steps out, followed by four guards. He looks up at me and smiles. He was wearing a white button up shirt and brown pants with shining black boots.

After the guards deem it safe, he rushes toward me and envelopes me in a hug.

"Yumi." He whispers. "How are you? I heard the news. Is Natsu safe?"

I pull back, the smile still on my lips. "I'm alright. Natsu's fine too, he just is angry with Father. Like always." Touya's eyes darken.

"Shoto is missing." He says. "Of course he's angry."

I nod. "He'll be happy to see you." I say, hooking my arm with his and walking back up the stairs, still being protected by the guards. "He has been waiting. He tries to hide it, but I can see how excited he is."

Touya laughs. "Sounds just like Natsu." He says.

We reach the doors and two guards push them open for us. Touya sighs. "So hows the old man doing?" He asks.

"Fine, I guess." I pause. "He has been in the training room more often. And he has skipped a few dinners. But I think it's fine."

We reach the second doorway and enter it as well. I nod off to a maid and she dashes away. We finally enter the throne room, Father sitting on his throne looking off at a servant and making some order.

"Father." I say, announcing our presence.

He turns to us and looks directly at Touya. "Touya, welcome back." He says. Touya gives him a slight nod. "Natsuo is whining in the library if you want to see him."

My brother nods again. We both bow and curtsy in unison before we turn and leave.

We continue to chat about random stuff as we walk to the main library.

We look around for a moment before I see Natsuo

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We look around for a moment before I see Natsuo. He had climbed all the way onto a bookcase and was reading a book.

"Natsu!" I yell up at him. He starts and looks down at us. The moment he notices Touya he yelps in surprise and rushes to go down.

"Touya-nii!" He says and hugs him. "You're already here."

Touya releases the hug for a moment and looks directly at Natsu's face. There was a bruise forming just above his eyebrow. Touya's entire face darkens. He presses a finger next to the bruise and Natsu winces. We both frown.

"Was this him again?" Touya asks, his voice completely serious.

Natsuo sighs and nods. "I walked in on him when he was angry with a servant." Natsu explains. "He threw a chair at me. But it only hit my head." He quickly adds with Touya seemed to start simmering with rage.

Touya breathes out a sigh. "We really need to find Shoto." He says.

Both me and Natsu nod in agreement.

Just then, a maid bursts into the room, startling all of us. She runs up to us, completely out of breath.

"Guards.. spotted.. the prince.." She says as she pants. We all stared at her in surprise. She collects herself a little more. "In the western forest, a few guards saw the prince. He was with the four other kids and he refused to come back with them."

Touya's brow furrows. "Why would he not come back?" He asks. "Is he not kidnapped?"

"We assume that he's not coming back because he was running away." The maid says. "That's our working theory."

Natsu sighs into his hand. "Shoto would just run away." He says. "And his personal guards did say they saw him go onto the balcony and then disappear."

"Thank you, Nejire." I dismissed the maid. She bows and leaves.

"Well, if the guards didn't see anyone other than Shoto and the other four, who kidnapped him? The kids?" I ask. "Why would teenagers kidnap Shoto? And why was he just randomly in the forest?"

Touya crosses him arms. "Maybe the kidnappers were there, but they were hiding." He says, before glancing at Natsu. "You should get an ice pack for that bruise."

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

Fuyumi's POV? WOah.

I really like describing Fuyumi's outfits. Especially since she's a princess in this AU, it gives more freedom.

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