7 - A Dark Room

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||Blood, Knives||

Shoto POV:

My eyes open slowly, my vision blurring before it evened out.

"Ughh." I groan. Everyone around me was white. I was tied to a chair by my waist, hands, and legs.

My headache was still there from earlier.

"Oh my gosh, he's awake!" A cheery voice says in front of me. I look up and see a girl a little older than me with two messy blonde buns.

I grimace at her. "Wmhm." I try to speak, but there was a gag on my mouth preventing me doing so.

The girl skips toward me. "It's okay, you don't need to talk." The girl says. "Tomura doesn't need you to speak." She smiles at me with a crazed look in her eyes. I saw she had strange sharp canines that stuck out compared to her other teeth.

She pulls a knife out of her pocket and holds it right next to my face.

"We have some things to show you." She whispers right into my ear. "Some surprises are always fun."

I tense up as the knife gets closer. It taps my cheek and the girl presses it against my face where my scar was. I flinch when I feel the pain as the knife slowly cuts into my face.

I feel a drop over blood roll down my face like a tear. The crazy girl giggles and licks it off my cheek.

"Oh, stop moving." She says as I lean away. She pulls on my shoulder and looks at my cut. "Tomura said you would be fun to play with."

She was about to press the knife against my face again when another man opens the door, stopping her.

"Toga, leave." The man said. 'Toga' pouts but walks away. He turns to me.

I glare at him. "What do you want?" I ask. "Are you after money or something?"

He watches me before clicking the light switch off. It suddenly was pitch black. I blink and try to adjust.

"Have you heard the legend of Aris and Roselia?" The man says in the darkness. "Of their fight about how similar they were?"

I wait for him to continue.

"Aris was angry at Roselia because they were too alike. Aris being the goddess of revenge and Roselia being the goddess of hatred." He continues. "Roselia grew stronger than Aris because of how much more hate there is in the world compared to vengeance." I hear the door open, but the light out there was off as well, so it didn't give any light. "One day, Aris went to Roselia and asked to duel. Roselia said yes, and they fought. It was brutal. It was how Aris got the scar on her jaw. It was how Roselia got hers as well."

"The moral of the story is to not give into temptation, at least that's what everyone thinks." The mysterious man says. "I say it's about how no matter how much vengeance, how much hatred, you have, neither can be bigger than the other."

I feel the temperature drop around me. I try and make out anything around me, with no luck. "And they both only get larger and larger until you pop."

Then, I saw a bright white light burst into existence in front of me. I saw that the person controlling it was quite taller than me, he had no eyes and hair, many scars, and a large grin on his face. He looked down at me and held his glowing white hand toward me.

"Your father made the mistake of angering me," This man said. The white glow grew brighter, and I had the sudden urge to reach out and touch it. "So I've decided to teach him a lesson."

I was mesmerized by the white light.

"You might have heard about these rare people, who had prayed to the gods." The man says, though I was barely listening. "These people, they are granted abilities beyond imagination." He says slowly, reaching out for my forehead. "Each of them were given different powers." My eyes grow heavy, and I felt strangely warm. "Such as.."

"Providing Prophecy." He presses my forehead and I gasp.

My eyesight shudders to the side.

I pass out.

<^> Third Person POV:

Shoto's normal grey and blue eyes roll back in his head for a moment.

Then they come back white.

Glowing white.

Just like the man's glowing hand.

Shoto blinked once, twice, three times before they closed and he slumped against the chair. Tomura flicked the light switch back on and looked at his boss.

"Are the lights really necessary?" The white hair boy says.

All For One grinned sinisterly at him. "The effects." He says. "Are always worth it."

Tomura looks back at the young Prince. "What are you going to do with him?" He says.

AFO turns back to the boy and grabs his chin, lifting it up for him to see the boys face. Shoto groans softly but doesn't wake up. AFO grins again.

"We'll see what happens." He says. "King Enji is missing his dearest son. What will he do?" He laughs and turns to the door and leaves. Tomura glanced at Shoto one more time before following him.

Shoto's eyes open again, and close, and open a second time, this time staying open. His eyes were the color of glowing snow. They were glazed over from the 'providing prophecy' AFO did. He

The white glow from his eyes barely illuminated the room, but that didn't matter if Shoto didn't see it.

Shoto's head listed sideways and he frowned as if he was confused.

Of course he was confused, who wouldn't be if their mind wasn't in control of their body? He blinked sleepily and sighed, exasperated already with this turn of events.

"Should we help him?"

"No, let it play out."

"Your no fun, Ytune."

"Yona, you can't have all the fun."

"Fun is fun."

"Not all the time."

"Ughhh. Your so annoying sometimes."

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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