8 - If the Kids are smarter

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Izuku POV:

My friends all read the note.

"That's quite clever of him, hiding information with hand a drink." Tenya praised.

Ochako glanced at the note and at the buildings. "Three buildings to the left..." She says. "The hotel? Why the hotel?"

I shrug. "If the shoe fits." I say. And we walk three buildings down.

The hotel was a basic white building with a modern design. We enter the doorway and saw it was full of people checking in or checking out. Or just waiting.

I looking around for anything suspicious and so do my friends.

My eyes catch on a young man in the corner of the room next to a back door. He had a black hoodie on and stark white hair underneath, like he dyed it. He was on his phone as well.

I pull on Ochako sleeve and tip my head in his direction. She noticed him as well and notified the others.

"May I help you?" A attendant says to us. "Are you waiting for your parents?"

I turn to her and give her a sweet smile. "Yup, our parents are all friends and they are coming in a few hours." I lie. "They told us to stay here while they go out somewhere."

The attendant nods. "Do you want to sit down?" She says and gestures to a seat. It was pretty close to the white haired man, so I nodded.

We sat down, and after she left I turned to my friends and started to speak in a whisper. "What do you guys think is behind the door here?" I whisper. "Is he guarding it?"

Ochako leans a little so it looks like she was just resting her back.

"We can't just jump to conclusions." She replies in the same volume. "Mr. Takami said it was hidden."

Just then, the man's phone rang. We all went silent as he picked up.

"Yeah." He said into the phone, barely audible to me. "No, he's still there." Pause. "Of course he's still knocked out, what do you take me for?" I freeze. Now, that was suspicious. "Yeah, the rumors are true. Down to the peppermint-looking hair."

Ochako nudged me on my side urgently, though I had already heard.

This man definitely knew where the Prince was.

He stands up a little straighter. "I have to go now, check in." He says. "This thing will probably make this boy go crazy, at least that's what my boss says." I glance at the man again, before looking back at my friends. Each other had a matching horrified expression, barely hidden.

"When he leaves, let's follow." Tsu whispers under her breath.

I nod slightly.

"Mhm, bye." The man says. He hangs up the phone and sighs. Then he grabs the door next to him and opens it.

"Quick, quick!" I whisper-shout as I stand up and grab the door handle. Me and my friends enter the doorway and freeze. It was practically pitch black, the lights on the ceiling barely worked. We were dead silent.

I looked up just in time to see the man from earlier press a code into a keypad. The door opened with a hiss and he entered, and right before it closed I made out someone tied to a chair.

After a moment, I release a breath.

"He's in there." Tsu says. "Or someone else they kidnapped, but probably the prince."

"Well how are we going to get in?" Ochako said. "We need a password, and also the strange creepy man is in there."

I tentatively walk over to the keypad. Tenya rubbed his glasses. "Well, this is a simple 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 keypad. So that's something." I say, looking at it. "And there's a closet here for us to hide in if the man comes back out."

Speaking of so, the door starts hissing again.

"Umm, I think we should hide now." Tsu says. I nod and we all scramble into the closet. The door opens the second we close ours.

The same young man comes out, as well as another older man, he was bald and had no eyes. They left silently.

I look back at the door and realize it was a slow closing kind of door. I scramble back out of the closet and grab onto the door handle. Ochako gasps behind me. "Good move, Izuku!" She says.

"Come on then." I say and enter the room.

If the short hallway we were in was dark, this room was pitch black. I kept the door open to let in the light and could just barely see the Prince tied up.

"Hold the door please." I say and let go and rush over to Prince Shoto. I crouch in front of him, pulling his head up.

He was unconscious, that was obvious, and he had a cut on his cheek, but other than that he looked unharmed.

"Is he alright?" Ochako says, crouching next to me.

I frowned. "Your Highness?" I say, shaking the dual haired boy. "Your Highness, please wake up."

"Didn't the man earlier say something about a 'thing will probably make him go crazy'?" Tsu says from the doorway. "What did they do? Is he looking sick or anything?"

"No, he looks pretty normal." Ochako replies.

Then, the Prince's eyes slowly open. When they do, both me and Ochako gasp. His irises were glowing white, giving more light to the room. Prince Shoto turned his head and looked at me. He looked extremely woozy, and his eyes were glazed over like he was under a spell.

Under a spell.

"Is he spelled?" Ochako says, saying my thoughts aloud.

The Prince squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, as though he had a headache. "Prince Shoto?" I ask. "Do you know if you're under a spell?"

His eyes opened up slightly and his face contorted in pain. He opened his mouth and he stuttered out words that seemed to be forced up his throat.

"I-It shall b-be then...
when legends become reality,
a child of ice and a child of forest green,
a child of scales and a child of loyalty,

shall bring the fall of fire royalty."

His entire face starts twitching for a moment before he groans again and slumps down.

We stay frozen.

"I think we should untie him." Ochako says.

I nod and she moves down to untie the Prince's legs and then goes to untie his wrists and waist. After the last knot was untied, the Prince collapsed onto me.

"How are we getting him out?" Tsu asks.

"Well it's not late at night, so is there another door out?" Tenya questions me and Ochako.

I check around the dark room. "Did anyone bring a flashlight?" I ask.

Ochako rummages in her bag and pulls out one. She clicks it on. Sure enough, there was another door in the back of the room.

"Oh thank Qirius." Ochako says. I pull the Prince of the chair and I almost tip over from his weight.

Grunting, I somehow turn around and pull him onto my back in a piggyback sort of manner. His arms went over my shoulders and his face nestled into my hair. I may or may not have gotten a little red. Thankfully, the flashlight wasn't on my face so I couldn't be teased for the rest of the eternity.

I stood, finding it actually easier carrying the Prince than I originally thought.

"All right, hopefully this leads out of the building," Tsu says. "Or there will be more problems."

I follow Ochako to the door, and nervously watch her open it. Again, thankfully there was no one there. And also it was the forest.

"We need to find a way to get back to my house." I say. "We can't just take the main road."

Ochako nods. "Alright, let's go."

<^> To Be Continued

(1.2k words)


Expect more angst people who haven't read my other books. I'm addicted to angst.

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