23 - The Coronation

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Shoto POV:

I woke up in my room, and I lurch forward, surprising a maid who was placing a new glass of water on my bedside table.

"Your Highness!" She yelps, bowing down multiple times. "You're finally awake!"

I frowned. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"Three days, you Highness." She says. "The rest of the castle has been waiting for you to wake up so they can start planning the coronation." What.

"Coronation!?" I exclaim.

The maid nods. "Yes, Prince Touya is getting crowned." She says.

I blink, and get up. "Hold on a moment." I say. "...What?"

She rushes me into the closet and helps me get dressed in the regular finery. After we were done, she rushed me out of my bedroom and down the hallway, slightly pulling me by my sleeve.

The maid pushes the main library door open. Inside, I saw Fuyumi, Touya, and Izuku.

"Your Highnesses!" The maid called out.

They all turned and Fuyumi and Izuku smiled when they saw me. Touya lets out a sigh of relief.

"Shoto!" Izuku yelps, running toward me and enveloping me in a hug. "Oh my gods, I was so worried!"

I blink. "I was asleep for a while." I say. "What happened?"

"Well, what do you remember?" Izuku says, sounding nervous.

I think for a moment. "I remember entering that white dome." I say. "That's it."

Izuku frowns. "Okay.." He says. "That's annoying."

Fuyumi gives me a hug. When she pulls back, she gives m. "I'm so glad you're awake." She says. "Touya-nii has also been worried, he's just very stressed." She explains, turning and watching our elder brother talk with a servant about who knows what.

Izuku tugs on my arm in nervousness. "So you remember.. what I said?" He asks nervously.

I smile, thinking about Izuku's confession. "Hm..I don't know." I tease. Izuku's face turns annoyed, obviously knowing I was teasing. "What did you say?"

Fuyumi gives me a weird look but I ignore it, focusing on Izuku.

After a moment, Izuku rolls his eyes and sighs. "That I love you and yada yada." He says. "Is that ringing a bell?" Fuyumi's jaw drops.

I grin slightly. "Oh but wasn't there something else?" I say, teasing him more.

Izuku's face flushes. "I- Ugh fine." He says, before planting a kiss on my cheek. "Is that what you wanted?"

I smile a little. "Yeah." I say.

Fuyumi's jaw was on the ground. "Shoto... Your gay?" She says, confused.

"Called it." Touya says, turning back to us with a grin. "And 'Yumi, don't even try, I know about your little date nights with that one guard."

It was Fuyumi's turn to go beet red. "T- That's nothing!" She says. "Rumi isn't-"

"Aha." Touya interrupts. He grins and walks toward us, looking smugly at our sister. "You know her name. Sure sign of something going on."

Fuyumi continues to stutter a response, but nothing can help her now.

"Why's Fuyumi red?" Natsuo says, jumping down from a bookshelf.

Touya looks at his brother. "She's dating that guard girl." He says. "The one with the long white hair."

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