20 - Can't I just tell them I'm gay?

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Shoto POV:

It was too loud and annoying.

So many people were coming up to me and talking about random things, it was horrible.

"Your Highness, how is the castle this year?" A certain lord says to me. I blink at him. He was a strange man, always wearing denim fabric to make his suits.

I dip my head in his direction. "Same as always, Lord Hakamada." I respond. "How is your kingdom fairing?"

He sighs. "We've had a rough summer, really." He says, but doesn't add on. "I hope you enjoy the evening."

The next aristocrat comes up to me. A small smile reached my face, this was Nemuri Kayama, an old babysitter of mine. She had long dark blue hair, and strange red rimmed glasses. She was a beautiful woman, though her outfit choice was.. questionable.

"My dearest Shoto," She greets with a smile. "How are you? Was your adventure exciting?"

I raise my eyebrow at her. She gives me an apologetic smile and gestures out the window that looks over the east village. I blink and nod.

"It seems I am needed somewhere else, right now." Lady Kayama says. "Have fun."

She disappears in the crowd.

I sigh and walk over to Fuyumi. She smiles at me and looks around for a moment.

"Apparently, the Supreme Priest from the Shrines of Breva is here." She tells me. "We're supposed to meet him, but I'm not sure when."

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Nirena. She was not smiling anymore.

She leaned next to my ear. "His Imperial Majesty has decided it's time to meet the princesses." She whispers before leaning away.

Fuyumi frowns, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, you only have to meet with them." She says, giving me a nervous smile.

I frowned back at her. "I'm doubting that."

The entire ballroom goes silent when I walk down the steps. I walked to the middle of the ballroom and waited for the first lady/princess/duchess to come.

A soft click of heels was the only sound in the broken silence.

"Hello, your Highness." The first girl says.

She was wearing a light pink dress that was almost transparent for the skirt. It went all the way down to her ankles, and had shoulder-less sleeves that stopped at her elbows. She had long fake pink nails, and she was wearing very little makeup, only a bit of pink eyeshadow and pink lipstick. Her hair was a blue and green color, and she had large puppy dog looking eyes.

"Hello." I responded politely. I extended my hand, as it was custom, and she took it. We danced around the middle of the ballroom, where everyone had cleared for us.

After the song was over, I released the girl. Everyone stared at me, waiting for my decision.

"My apologies." I say to the girl.

She gives me an almost relieved looking smile and walks over to her family.

The next few girls come. Then the fifth girl comes.

She had short, hot pink hair, that was slightly tussled to give it volume. She was wearing fake eyelashes, and red lips. Her skin seemed to have a pink tint to it, probably from a number of skin inkings and spells. She was wearing a large green dress that had purple splotches all over it, with a large cut that started quite high on the front of her dress.

"Hello, your Highness." She greeted, a huge grin on her face.

I bow and extend my hand for her to take, just like the other girls. She takes it, and we dance to another song.

Again, when the song was over, everyone waited for my decision.

"My apologies." I say again. The girl's grin doesn't fade in the slightest, as she goes over to her family.

More and more girls came and danced. Each one epitome's of perfect.

But none of them I could say yes to.

None of them were Izuku.


"Good evening, your Highness." The last girl says.

I give her a blank look followed by a sigh.

This last girl was tallish, around my height. She had onyx eyes with long black hair that was in a ponytail, tied back with a yellow string. Her dress was a very light green color, quite plain compared to others. It was tied at the waist and had strap sleeves that were about an inch wide. The dress ended at her ankles, and she was wearing plain white heels.

"Good evening." I say.

She smiled at me. "Let's get this over with." She says quietly.

I offer her my hand and we start dancing. The girl glances around a moment before looking back at me. "I feel like the tension could be cut with a knife." She says with a small laugh. "It's quite strange, making you marry someone you've never met. I think you should know them first."

My face betrays me, cracking a small smile at her comment.

You could feel the tension easing.

We continue dancing, a simple waltz. "I would assume they're going to get us in the arranged marriage." The girl says. "My family has that effect."

I sigh. "I would apologize."

She smiles again. "No need." She says. "If worse comes to worst, we could be friends at least."

I pull her in a spin. "I believe my father wants the worst for me." I say. "But the best for the kingdom."

The girl chuckles. "Your father is quite a character." She notes. "My girlfriend is outright scared of him." My dance falters for a moment before continuing. She laughs louder at my surprise.

"Girlfriend?" I question.

She nods. "Do you have someone else?" She says. "If we do get married, I would take her as a mistress. You could have your...?"

"Izuku." I say without thinking.

She laughs. "A crush?" She asks. "What are they like?"

My face turns slightly pink. I glance at the clock on the wall and back at the girl.

"He's from the east village." I say. "He has green hair. He's short. He's kind. He's brave and loyal and sweet." I started listing facts about him. "He's caring. He loves adventure."

The girl giggles. "He sounds great." She says. "I can tell you like him."

I blink. The song was starting to end.

"What is your name?" I ask.

She blinks and for a moment she looks surprised. "Momo Yaoyorozu."

We stop moving just as the song ends. I could practically feel everyone's stares on my neck.

I look at Momo for a moment before nodding.

Immediately, the ballroom erupted in cheers. Everyone was smiling and throwing their hands in the air or something. But I think I heard sobbing somewhere.

I glanced up at the balcony where my father was standing.

He grinned down at me, his eyes glinting with satisfaction.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.1k words)

In another fanfic, I made Enji a good dad. Now I made him a horrible one...


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