Chapter 2- The Biggest Bitch in School

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Natalie's POV

After third period is lunch. I hate lunch. All it is, is social hour. Jessie and I grab our food and sneak outside to eat. We have our own little spot we go to.  It's under a big tree with a lot of shade. It's so peaceful. We sit down and begin to eat and chat when we are suddenly and very rudely interrupted.

"I am going to tell the principal that someone littered out here." I hear the biggest bitch in school say to her boyfriend.

Brittany Samson and Luca Tate. Captain of the cheerleaders and star of the basketball team. They are the most popular couple in school. They are one year ahead of me, so they are seniors this year. Always make prom king and queen, always the center of attention. And I hate them more than anyone else in this school. Well Brittany is technically the one I have the most issues with but Luca just follows her lead.

"What the fuck are you talking about you dumb bitch?" I ask her.

"You. You are trash." She says as she snickers and her boyfriend joins in laughter.

I have her by her throat in a matter of seconds. Her boyfriend grabs me though and throws me off of her. He is the only reason I haven't beaten her ass yet.

"Get off of her you stupid dyke. Go fuck your girlfriend." He says pointing to Jessie who glares at him.

They both start to walk away and I yell. "Well I sure as hell wouldn't fuck yours. Would probably get syphillis."

They both turn around and glare at me before storming off.

"You have to stop letting them get to you like that. You will get expelled and it will take even longer for you to get out of here." Jessie reminds me.

"You are right. I wish my grandma could afford to let me home school. Of course that would probably be just as bad because I would have to listen to her mouth all day. Fuck my life." I groan and she chuckles.

Later that afternoon, I am called to the principal's office.

Great. On the first day.

"Ms. Carson, the first day of school and you are already in my office." He says.

"To what do I owe the pleasure sir?" I ask.

"You know exactly what you did. You made a derogatory comment about Ms. Samson." He says.

"Well she made one first." I defend.

He just looks at me like he doesn't believe me. He never does. She has the wool pulled over all the teachers and principal's eyes. She is the biggest snake and she has everyone fooled. That makes me hate her even more. Not to mention her parents are rich and donate a ton of money to the school. Of course my grandma can't do that. I am just a nobody around here.

"Look, Ms. Carson, let's try to have a good year. I don't want to see you in the office again for at least a month or I will have to suspend you." He says.

"That's not fair, Mr. Thompson!" I begin to argue.

"Ms. Carson!! Enough. Out of my office before I suspend you now!" He booms.

I bite my tongue and storm out of his office.

I am going to make it my personal goal to ruin that bitch this year. I am done with her. She has bullied me since I moved here. She has spread many rumors about me and my family, she has picked on me, called me awful names, the list goes on. But I do my best to not let her get to me because I honestly don't care what she or anyone else thinks about me. I just hate people that think they are better than others because they are rich and popular. I don't understand why she won't just leave me alone. What the hell did I ever do to her?

I get home after school and head to my room and turn on Netflix. It's my only way to find some peace from today. I start to doze off before my grandma calls me down for dinner.

"Thanks G'ma." I say as I grab some food on a plate and head back upstairs to eat. Grandma and I don't eat together. We don't socialize. But it's ok. Anything is better than living with my dad. My mom died when I was 4. She was ill. But my dad refused to believe that. He blamed me for her death. I was 4 years old. Then he died when I was 12. He killed himself. For 8 years I had to live with him alone. It was hell on Earth. I went through therapy for years but I will never be right. He fucked me up for life. But I try not to think about it too much. It's in the past.

My phone ringing breaks me from my thoughts.

"Hey bitch." I answer already knowing who it is without looking. Jessie is literally the only other person that has my phone number. Well her and my grandma but she never calls me and she is downstairs so she would not be calling me anyway.

"Just wait until someone calls you that isn't me." She chuckles at my greeting.

"You are the only one that ever calls me or has my number so...." I tell her.

"Whatever..listen. We are going to a party this Friday. Tell your grandma that you are staying at my house."
She demands.

"Jess....I hate parties. You know that." I protest.

"Yeah but this is a college party. My cousin is throwing this party because he goes back to school next week and wants to throw a blowout before he goes. A bunch of his college buddies are coming. There will be lots of alcohol and other fun stuff to do. We can even get you laid!!" She yells excitedly.

"Ummm...yeah no." I tell her.

"I am not taking no for an answer. You are coming bitch!" She yells.

"Ok fine, but I am not socializing. I am hiding in one of the bedrooms." I replied negotiate.

"Ok fine. But after you take some shots with me." She says.

"Fine. Deal." I say.

"Yay!" She squeals excitedly.

Shoot me now. I don't want to go to this. But I know Jessie doesn't want to go by herself. She always gets drunk and I usually have to kick some guys ass that tries to take advantage of her. This party will probably be the same. Oh well. I get to get drunk. Might be fun.

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