Chapter 34- Lost and Found

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Natalie's POV

I was able to escape the hell hole of a foster house I was in. I wish I could have helped all of those kids escape but I just couldn't without getting caught. I waited until everyone was asleep and I went to the breaker room and shut everything off so that the cameras and alarms were deactivated. When they woke up they probably thought they had a power outage, but by the time they discovered the breaker was off I was long gone. No one will ever do that to me again. I am done being treated like shit. I am heading towards the next town so I can try to catch a ride and find some place where I can start a new life for myself and my kid.

After a long night of walking, I finally make it to town. I have to make sure they haven't called the police and reported me missing, so I have to be cautious and not get caught before I can make it out of here. I head into the local diner and use the restroom. My legs ache and I am absolutely exhausted from walking all night. I look in the mirror at myself and am horrified at how bad my face looks. It's black and blue and swollen. I remove the bloody bandage and the gash on my face is healing but looks bad. It's very embarrassing to have to deal with hiding injuries again. Just like when dad was alive. I really hate men. Well not all men. I don't hate Luca. I miss Luca. I wish I could see him again. But I know this is for the best. He needs to live the life his parents want for him and he doesn't need me dragging him down. I do the best I can to wash up in the sink and I change clothes. I was able to bring a back pack of supplies with me and I stole a few bucks from the old bastard of a foster father I had. Normally I would never steal but that asshole deserves it. I am going to order something to eat quickly and head out of here.

I walk out of the bathroom and nothing prepares me for the sight I am about to see. Walking into the entrance of the diner is Jessie and right behind her is  Luca. My heart rate instantly picks up. We lock eyes and the look he gives me back makes me feel emotions I can't even explain. Jessie runs up to me and hugs me while Luca slowly makes his way behind her.

Luca's POV

We stopped at a few businesses when we first arrive in the next town asking to see if anyone had seen Natalie but we have no luck. Jessie talks me into going into a diner across the street. She said we can ask them if they have seen anything and then grab something to eat before heading to the next place.

We walk inside and Jessie stops dead in her tracks in front of me. I almost run into the back of her. Before I can even ask what the hell she is doing, I look up and I see her. Natalie. Fuck I missed her so much.

Jessie takes off running towards her and I follow suit. When we reach her, I take in her appearance and I instantly see red.

"Oh my God Natalie! We were so worried!!" Jessie cries as she hugs Natalie closely.

Natalie looks at me standing behind Jessie while she hugs her and I am sure my face gives away how angry I am.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" I ask through gritted teeth. Her eyes widen. She knows I am pissed.

"Uh it's ok. I ran my mouth and I got away. I am fine." She says trying to act like everything is fine.

"Did that fucking son of a bitch hit you?" I ask feeling angrier by the second.

"Who?" She asks.

"That fucking foster dad we just talked to a little bit ago." I seethe.

"You went there?! Why!? How did you find me?" She asks.

"We were worried about you! You suddenly went missing without even a word or a call. We thought something terrible happened to you! And look, it did! Are you ok? Is EVERYTHING ok?" Jessie asks emphasizing the word Everything. Not really sure why.

"Umm. Yes. I guess. I don't even know. I was just using the restroom and am getting something to eat before I head out of here." She says .

"First, I am going to fucking murder that fucker for touching you and then you are coming home with us. I will never let you out of my sight again." I say.

"No! You can't. I just want to forget about him. I never want to go back there. He might try to do something else and get me in trouble with the police. And you are going to back to school. I am fine." She says trying to avoid me again.

"That bastard needs to be the one that the cops pick up, not you. And you aren't pushing me away again. Natalie, I don't give a fuck what you say. You aren't getting rid of me. Now that we know what happened with your grandma, you are coming to live with me. Even if only as my friend. I want you to be in my life. I am miserable without you." I tell her honestly.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. Then the dam breaks. She loses it and I grab her and hold her close to me. I kiss the top of her head and I can't believe how badly I missed feeling her in my arms, smelling her hair, and feeling her touch. She holds me tightly to her.

"I am never letting you go again Natalie. Sorry but you are stuck with me." I say to her.

She looks up at me and looks at my lips. That's all I need to capture her lips with mine. I kiss her for a moment before I let go.

"Let's eat and go home." I tell her.

We all eat together and she fills us in on what happened with her grandma and her house. She also tells us about her foster dad. It takes everything in me not to go back and kill that bastard. We finish our food and she gets in the car with us as we head back home.

"Natalie, why didn't you just call me? You could have stayed with me. My mom wouldn't care. She loves you." Jessie asks.

"Well I was going to. But the social worker said I could only be released to a family member that was 18 or older. They said they can't just release me to anyone. Plus I was not going to be a burden on you by asking your mom to take me in." She says.

"Natalie, you have to stop worrying about being a burden. Did you ever stop to think you are not a burden. That we love you and want you to be with us." I tell her.

"But I heard your dad say I wasn't good enough and that I was trash." She says.

"What? When did you....?" I trail off as I realized that she overheard my dad that night that he said those things.

"You were there that night? That's why you have been pushing me away. Did you not hear what I said back to him?" I asked her.

"I did. But it's never going to work. They hate me." She says.

"For the last time, I don't give a fuck about them." I tell her getting frustrated.

"Well it doesn't matter because I am a runaway and CPS will come back to get me since I am only 17. It could take months for Jessie's mom to legally gain custody of me and your parents will never go for it. I have to be on the run for the next 6 months until I turn 18." She says.

"No you don't. I am 18. I will take custody of you."
I tell her and she laughs.

"But you aren't my relative." She says.

I sit there thinking about how we will figure this out. Then I get a crazy idea. One that I will do in a second if she says ok.

"Ok. Marry me." I say.

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