Chapter 13-Literally and Figuratively F@&ked

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Natalie's POV

The next six weeks go by with much of the same. Brittany and I continuing to hate one another, Luca and I continue fooling around multiple times per week, and then of course boring school. Jessie also is seeing a college guy and she spends most of her spare time with him.

Luca and I never spoke about what happened again with my night terror. I am sure he wanted to ask but given my reaction to him witnessing it, he decided it was best not to. Things were a bit awkward for a few days but just pretending like it didn't happen was the best thing. I don't discuss those with anyone and the fact that he saw it still embarrasses me. We just make sure not to fall asleep together after our "activities."

But otherwise, things have been going great. One day after walking all the way home after school, I realized I left my phone in gym class. I remember where I placed it. Hopefully no one took it. I will lose my shit. I eat a snack and drop my things off at home and wait a little while before deciding to go back and see if it's still there. I try to give it time to make sure most of the teachers and principal have left for the day. Hopefully I can get back inside the building. I remember though that they have cheerleading practice after school and the back door by the gym is usually left unlocked until later in the evening. I hope practice is over though so I don't take a chance on running into Brittany.

I open the door and see that there is no one left in the gym.

Thank God.

I make my way over to where I left my phone and see it exactly where I left it. I grab it quickly and turn to leave before I get caught in here after school hours and get into trouble. But suddenly, I hear moaning sounds coming from the PE teacher/coaches office.

What the hell? Is someone having sex in there?

The curiosity gets the better of me and I have to go investigate. I tip toe down the dark hallway towards where the sounds are coming from. I end up outside of the coach's office just like I expected. The sounds, moans, and screams get louder. I very quietly open the door completely unnoticed. I position my phone so I can film whatever/whoever this is going at it and the sight I see leaves me completely speechless.

Brittany's naked ass is shining facing my direction while Coach Hanson has his pants down around his ankles and is plowing her from behind. Both of their backs turned away from me.

"Fuck me coach! Fuck me!" She screams as he pounds her hard.

"Such a good girl!!" He yells as he continues to fuck her.

He then flips her over so her bare breasts are facing upwards. Her cheerleader skirt is rolled up around her stomach. He then grabs her breasts as he re-enters her and throws her legs up on his shoulders.

"You like it when I fuck you, don't you?" He says talking dirty to her.

"Oh God yes!!" She screams.

"Better than that fucking boyfriend of yours?" He asks.

"Yes baby. You are so much bigger and better than him!!" She screams.

"You're fucking right I am!!" He yells as he picks up his pace. I know this is going to end soon and I need to get the fuck out of here before I get caught.

I turn the recording off and dart quietly down the hall as quickly as I can while I hear their moans and screams echo off the walls as I am sure they both found their release.

I run out of the building and away from campus as quickly as possible so no one sees me. I cannot believe what I just witnessed. Brittany and Coach Hanson! That's who she was telling her friend about in the bathroom that day? This is off the charts crazy! Not to mention extremely inappropriate and illegal. What the hell will Luca think? Should I tell him? Or should I keep this juicy secret to myself and use it as blackmail at the right time?

Oh Brittany, you are literally and figuratively fucked.

I smile an evil smile and laugh like a crazy maniac in my head. I think I am going to keep this information to myself for the time being. I will reveal it when the time is right.

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