Chapter 8 - Late Night Confessions

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Natalie's POV

"I want you to know that I have only ever done anything with Brittany and you. I also have a confession to make. I know I was really drunk that night at the party, but I realized about halfway through us messing around that you weren't Brittany. Because Brittany never did anything even close to what you did." He says.

"I have only ever fooled around with 2 guys and slept with one of them. I am not proud of it to be honest. But I am hormonal and have urges just like everyone else." I respond.

He leans in and captures my lips and I instantly moan.

"I fucking love it when you do that. You don't fucking know." He stops to tell me.

"Enough talking. Kiss me." I say and he captures my lips again.

He kisses down my neck and slides my tank top down my body leaving my top half completely exposed to him. He rakes his eyes over me and they stop on my belly button ring. He takes his fingers and plays with it for a moment before sliding my pants and underwear off.

"Can I taste you again?" He asks.

I nod my head more eagerly than I intended.

He smirks and wastes no time diving in between my legs with his face. He is much slower this time making sure to enjoy every second of it. He also inserts a finger or two and I buck against his hand slightly but he puts his upper body weight on me to make sure I stay in place.

"Luca....fuck....don't stop." I moan out quietly so I don't wake up g-ma.

I hold his head in place so he can't go too far. I run my fingers through his long, beautiful hair massaging his scalp while he licks and finger fucks me. Doing this seems to make him go faster and I feel myself building more and more.

"Luca, I am getting ready to cum." I tell him out of breath.

My breathing gets erratic, my body shakes and my stomach starts to contract.

"Ohhhhh yesssssssss!!!" I whisper scream and bite my hand so I can muffle the sounds of pleasure I want to release. I feel my body tremble from my head to my toes. A rush of compete ecstasy wracks my body. My body glistens with sweat but I never want that feeling to end.

"Fuck." Luca curses. "I want you to feel what you do to me." He says as lays beside me and puts my hand on his dick.

"Woah." I say as I feel how hard he is.

I unzip his jeans as I slide my hands into his boxers. I begin to stroke him slowly as he moans and groans.

"I am not trying to swell your ego anymore than it already is...but......your dick is huge. I kinda can't wait to feel what it feels like inside of me." I tell him bluntly.

"So what is stopping you?" He asks.

With that I kiss him hard. I remove his shirt and slide his pants all the way down. I look over his beautiful muscles with appreciation.

"These are my favorite though." I say as I pet his muscles.

I then decide to put my tongue on them and trace them along while I nibble and suck. He relaxes and moans in appreciation.

"Do you have any rubbers?" I ask him.

"In my pocket." He said.

"Did you think you were going to get lucky or something?" I ask him suspicious.

"I was hoping." He said.

I reach in the pocket of his pants and bring the small square packet out. I rip it open carefully and slide it on his erection. I then straddle him and line myself up to his cock and slide down in one quick smooth movement. I can feel myself stretch at his large size, but he fills me like my foot fills my favorite pair of shoes.

"Fuck mmmmeeeee." He moans out.

"I am trying to." I tell him like a true smart ass.

He just gives me a "really?" look. I begin to slowly rock back and forth and bounce up and down his shaft in a perfect rhythm. I trace every crease of every muscle with my finger while he fondles my ass and my breasts.

"Since you complimented my dick I will compliment your tits, they are fucking perfect and so big." He says as he lightly tugs on my nipples while he massages them gently.

I kinda chuckle and blush at his compliment. We take our time exploring one another's bodies. I memorize every curve of his chest and arms and he asks me about my tattoos as he traces each one. My body begins to glisten with sweat as I pick up my pace. I push my hair out of my face as I concentrate on how good this feels. My breast bounce up and down as I begin to buck faster against him. Our skin slaps together loudly and our moans and groans echo against the walls. The smell of sex and sweat fills the air. All of it becomes too much.

"Oh God!!" I moan out as the most powerful orgasm I have had to date takes over my body. I ride it out as my body shakes and goes limp.

"Man I could watch that all fucking day." He says as he grabs me and kisses me hard.

He then takes us and flips me so I am on all fours. He re-enters me from behind and the depth I feel at this angle is mind blowing.

"Fuck me I think you touched my lungs." I say as he finishes inserting himself.

"'You are so fucking tight. I can feel every little dimple inside you. You feel so damn good." He says as he moans and slowly moves in and out of me.

"Fuck me Luca. I want you to cum." I tell him.

"Not until you cum one more time." He says.

"There is no possible way I can...." I begin to say but am cut off by Luca changing his movement and position slightly. At this angle, he hits my g spot and my clit simultaneously and it feels like heaven.

"Don't stop Luca, don't ever fucking sto00ppp." I moan as he picks up the pace.

"I thought you wanted me to cum." He says.

"One....more....minute." I moan out as he thrusts into me perfectly each time. Like clockwork, within a minute I am coming undone for the 3rd time tonight.

"Luca, fuck, fuck, ffffffuuuucccckkk!!" I moan as I have an orgasm that lasts an hour I swear.

"Yeah! Right fucking there!!" I hear Luca shout as he pounds a few more powerful thrusts into me and he fills the condom with his juices.

We both collapse on the bed and lay naked holding each other. He plays with my hair while I lay against his chest and trace his muscles. We are silent for a while and out of breathe. I am sure out of exhaustion and out of shock that we actually just did that. Without a word spoken, Luca leans in and begins to kiss me passionately again.

"What are you doing?" I ask him confused as I break the kiss.

"We are fucking doing that again." He says as he prepares for round 2.

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