Chapter 37- Telling the Fam

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Luca's POV

The doctor made us feel so much reassurance and gave us lots of helpful info. She also gave us the go ahead for sex. I didn't even ask, it's just something she talked about as she went over the do's and don'ts.

I decide to take Natalie to dinner to celebrate everything but little does she know, I have a surprise for her.

We talk through our dinner about our plans for everything. Natalie seems happy. Which makes me beyond happy. I decide now is the time to give her, her surprise. I reach into my pocket and lay the small box in front of her on the table. She looks at it for a moment before she picks it up and opens it. Her eyes get big as saucers as she looks at the carat diamond engagement ring in front of her.

"Holy fuck. I can't wear this." She says.

"You will and you will like it. My wife." I tell her and she smiles. If I didn't know any better, I would think she really does want to be my wife.

I take the ring from the box and slide it on her finger. She admires it for the rest of the dinner.

As soon as we get back to the hotel, Natalie decides to show me her appreciation. She kisses me passionately as she begins to peel my clothes off and I do the same in return. She then backs us up until the back of my legs hit the bed and I fall backwards onto it. She then crawls onto me and kisses me slowly as she lines her entrance up with my cock. She slides her wet pussy onto my shaft at the slowest possible rate as I groan and she moans at the feeling of me filling her.


"God I missed this so fucking much." She says as she bounces up and down my length slowly.

"Fuuuuccckkk. Me too." I respond as she slowly rides me.

"I have always loved your tits, but being pregnant makes them so big and perky. Fuck." I say as I take one in my mouth.

She yells in ecstasy as I suck her nipple while she chases her orgasm.

"I can't wait to watch and feel you cum again on me. It's my favorite thing in the world." I say and my words are her undoing. She has a very long and beautiful orgasm and just watching her makes me lose it as well.

We lay there exhausted for a moment before she begins to kiss me again.

"What are you doing baby?" I ask her curiously.

"Well we have some lost time to make up for and pregnancy makes me extremely horny. I probably could go 10-15 times a day to be honest." She says as she continues to kiss me.

"Fuck." I say as I flip her around and enter her from behind. She moans and screams out in ecstasy as I plow into her over and over again slowly. It's not long before we both come undone again. We spend the rest of the night making love to each other repeatedly. We will never get enough of each other I swear.

The next morning, it's time to go face my parents and give them the news. I know this isn't going to go well and I don't want to upset Natalie with her being pregnant and all. But I have to tell them everything. We arrive at the house and unfortunately once we are inside we realize that Brittany and her entire family are here. Their driver must have dropped them off and left. I walk out to the back porch to find all of them sitting and talking amongst themselves. I hold Natalie's hand for reassurance. I can tell she is nervous. No one has noticed our presence until I clear my throat. Instantly all eyes are on us and once they realize Natalie is standing with me and I am holding her hand their looks turn to ones of pure disgust.

"Luca, what are you doing home from school and what is she doing here?" My father asks through gritted teeth.

"Well, father, Natalie has agreed to be my bride." I say with a smirk as I hold her left hand up and show everyone her engagement ring.

"Like fuck! You will not marry some nobody. You are a Tate. Start acting like one!!" He screams.

"Well dad, sorry you feel that way but I am marrying her whether I have your support or not. I am 18 years old and you can't stop me. I don't care about your money or the business. Give it all to them." I tell him pointing to Brittany and her family.

Brittany's father smirks with delight at my comment.

"Like hell! Luca I am done with this little rebellion you have going on. You aren't marrying this trash." He says pointing to Natalie.

"Don't talk about the mother of my child that way." I say venomously. I would love to knock him out right now.

His eyes widen at that statement.

"Please fucking tell me you are joking. That you didn't knock up this skank." He says.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Now." I threaten.

"You know nothing about her. You have never even made an effort. You have no idea what she has been through in her life. Every one of us should be more like her. I am trying to be." I say as I look at her.

"Luca, you can't honestly believe that's your baby. That whore has probably slept with numerous people. She is trying to trap you to get your money." Brittany says chiming in.

"At least my baby daddy isn't old enough to be my dad. Let alone my teacher." Natalie throws back in Brittany's face.

Brittany lunges towards Natalie at this statement, but for once I protect Natalie instead and knock Brittany to the ground.

"Don't fucking touch her! Don't come near her again you stupid bitch! I fucking hate you Brittany. I hate all of you. I am signing my rights over to the business. Take it all. I don't fucking want you and I don't want anything to do with any one of you. You can all go to hell. Keep all your fucking money and everything. I don't want any of it." I tell them all as they look back at me shocked.

"Good luck finding someone to raise that bastard baby of yours. Her daddy will be in jail for a very long time I hear." I say to Brittany as she lays out of breathe on the ground.

"I will send my signed paperwork over with the lawyers. I am done with all of you." I say finally as I storm out of the house still holding Natalie's hand.

Once we are outside Natalie stops me.

"Luca, are you really sure this is what you want. I don't want you to resent me later on because you gave all of this up for me." She says.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I love you and I don't give a fuck about any of them. I only care about you. And our baby. We will figure it all out. I promise. I would rather go without than not be with you." I tell her.

She looks back at me and her expression looks different now. "Luca, I have been meaning to say this for a while now but you have to understand it's hard for me to express myself. But, Luca Tate, I..." Natalie begins but we are interrupted by the sound of screeching tires.

I turn to see one of my parent's cars barreling towards us. More in the direction of Natalie. Without another thought I pick her up and throw her out of the way as the car strikes me and sends me flying several feet. All I remember is hearing the blood curdling scream of Natalie and the unbearable pain I felt as I came crashing back to the ground.

Then everything turned black.

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