Chapter 11- Nothing But Trouble

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Natalie's POV

While this has been a blast, Luca and I messing around and all, I am afraid I am starting to catch feelings for him and I really don't want that. I just want to have fun. I know that's all he wants too. He has perfect Barbie that he will probably marry some day. I know I am a fuck toy for him. I just don't understand why he is so nice to me when we are alone. I mean I know I am giving him sex, but sometimes he lays it on extra thick and I just don't understand. I am trying to just let everything roll and try not to think about it too much. But every time I see him and Barbie together, it gets more and more under my skin that they have a relationship yet they both fuck around on each other. I just don't understand what makes them stay together. They probably hold some kind of blackmail over one another or something. It's a mystery.

Maybe I don't like the fakeness of it all. It's like they are both pretending. I know they are both sneaking around and lying. So why not just end things? It's very weird.

"Earth to Nat!" I hear Jessie yell next to me to get my attention.

"I am sorry Jess, what were you saying?" I ask trying to focus on her.

"Was he that good at going down on you?" She asks referring to Luca.

"What?! wasn't." I stutter out.

"Oh my God you fucked him didn't you?" She asks in a whisper.

"Shhhhh! I am not saying yes or no." I say trying to get out of admitting it.

"You gotta watch him. You know he's just using you right?" She says.

Her words sting but I know they are true. But I deflect my emotions like I always do.

"I know. He can use me as many times as he wants to." I say acting indifferent.

"I wish I could be more like you. Carefree and not giving a fuck about anyone." She says.

What no one realizes is that I stopped caring about what everyone else thought because no one ever showed me they cared. It's hard to be a girl going through puberty and everything and having no one other than my best friend. That's why I care about her more than anything.

"That's not true. I care about you!" I say and we both chuckle lightly.

"I fucking knew it!!" I hear someone say behind me.

I turn around to see no one other than Brittany standing behind me.

"I knew you were a fucking lesbian." She says.

"If I were, why do you fucking care?" I ask annoyed by her presence.

"I just don't want to be around you. You both are gross." She flips her hair and turns around in the other direction and storms off.

I look at Luca who stares back at me showing no emotion before leaving the cafeteria behind her. Again I just don't understand the infatuation with her. But I can tell she's a sore subject so I don't even talk about her when we are together. I just love that I have fucked her man more than she has, I am sure of that. I could ruin them very easily, but I know that would ruin our little arrangement. So I just keep it all to myself.

I go to my first period after lunch and end up falling asleep. I started to have one of my nightmares but luckily woke up before I started to yell or scream. I am one of the last people out of the classroom. I head to my locker to change out my books for my last class of the day and I notice there is a crowd around where my locker is.


As I get closer, I can hear people laughing. When they notice me coming they get silent and then snicker behind my back. When the locker comes into view, the air is sucked from my lungs. There in the middle of the locker is a photoshopped picture of Jessie and I kissing. As well as the words dyke, lesbian, queer, slut, and bitch written all over the locker in nail polish.

That fucking bitch.

I punch the locker as hard as I can, and go out in search for blood. I will kill her. I find Brittany in the hall and I push her up against the lockers and hold her throat. She struggles to breathe as she scratches and attempts to pull my hands away from her. My strength is unmatched.

"You fucking whore!! What the fuck is your problem??" I yell as she continues to lose air and starts to turn purple.

Before I can even think, I am ripped away from her as she gasps for air and falls to the ground. I look to see who pulled her away from me and it's no one other than Luca.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yells putting on a show.

"Did you see what she did to my locker?" I ask him.

"Who gives a fuck?" He says.

I just look at him with disgust. Of course he takes her side. He always does. She does nothing wrong.

"What the hell is going on out here?" I hear the principal yell behind us.

He looks at Brittany still struggling to breathe, holding her neck. Then he notices Luca with his arms around me restraining me. It doesn't take long for him to figure out Luca broke up a fight.

"Ms. Carson. My office. Now!" He booms.

Fucking fantastic.

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