Chapter 30-Big Changes

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Luca's POV

It's been a month since I last saw or spoke to Natalie and it's completely fucking sucked. I miss everything about her so much. But I am still so angry with her. Did I misread her? Did she really only use me? Was this her sick way of getting revenge on Brittany and me for treating her like shit? I don't know. I probably deserve it. But fuck I think I proved to her that I truly loved and cared about her right?

I punch my boxing bag as the anger rolls through me.

"Oooo look at those muscles." I hear Brittany say. Her voice makes me fucking sick.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask.

"Just trying to make conversation. Are you ready to leave tomorrow? Are you all packed up?" She asks.

Unfortunately I have to leave for school tomorrow and I am not happy about it. Brittany had her baby and is coming up next semester to go to college with me. I am going to try to transfer schools in the meantime because I can't stand her.

"Come on Luke, we gotta try to make this work between us." She says touching my arm.

Her touch makes me cringe.

"Brittany..." I say getting her attention.

She just bats her eyes at me.

"Go fuck yourself." I say and I smirk as looks at me like she is hurt. She is so fake.

"That nasty skank really changed you, you know. What the fuck did you see in her anyway?" She asks knowing it's a sore subject.

"Shut the fuck up Britany. Just because she and I didn't work out, doesn't mean you and I will. And I will never consider your kid to be mine. You are nasty. Even if I did marry you, I would never be faithful to you. I don't love you or give a fuck about you. Just leave me the fuck alone." I tell her.

"And by the way....she fucks so much better than you." I say plunging the knife in deeper.

She just squeals angrily and storms off. I laugh knowing I pissed her off. Brittany still has no idea that Natalie is the one that shared that video with the whole school. If she ever finds out, she will go after Natalie. No matter how mad I am at Natalie right now, I will always protect her. I can't believe there was once a time when I always wanted to protect Brittany. I was fucking insane.

I am not looking forward to leaving at all tomorrow. But maybe starting over fresh somewhere else, might be good for me. I just have to figure out how to keep Brittany the hell away from me.

Natalie's POV

I sit holding my stomach tightly as I hug the porcelain throne. I have been sick all week. It's not typical to get the stomach virus in the summer time, but I guess I have food poisoning. I am very exhausted as well. I can hardly keep food down.

I hear a text message alert on my phone. I always have hope in the back of my mind, that it's Luca but I know it's not. I look at my phone and see that it's Jessie texting me to ask if I am feeling better. I send her a quick text back saying not really and that I was going back to bed.

A little while later, I am awakened by Jessie sitting on the edge of my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Well I came to actually check on you and to bring you some soup." She says cheerfully.

"Thanks. I will try to eat it but I am not sure it will stay down." I tell her honestly.

"You don't think you caught the 9 month flu do you?" She asks.

I look at her like she has 3 heads in confusion.

"Oh my God, I meant are you sure you aren't pregnant?" She asks.

"What?! No. I am on the pill." I tell her.

"When's the last time you had your period?" She asks.

I think about it carefully for a few minutes. I then realize that I never had my period this month.

"Fuck!!!" I scream and then have to go empty my stomach again.

After I clean myself up, Jessie has the food and drink ready for me when I head back to my room. I eat and drink and so far it's staying down.

"You have to eat something to get your strength back. Also....why don't you pee on this stick and let's see for sure?" She says as she hands me a pregnancy test.

"Ugh. Fine. But I know that's not it."
I tell her as I take the damn thing from her and take it to the bathroom with me.

I do my business and wait for the results to show on the test. I take it back into my room with me and sit with Jessie. After about a minute the test is ready. Jessie looks at the test.

"You're pregnant." She says.

"No I am not shut up." I say as I grab the test and look for myself.

Sure enough there are two dark lines looking back at me.

"God no! No! No! No!" I scream as I bury my head in my pillow.

I feel Jessie patting my back as tears flow heavily.

"It's ok. I had a feeling this might be the case. Are you going to tell Luca?" She asks.

I can't tell Luca. He won't go to school.

"No. I can't. He needs to go to school." I tell her.

"He needs to know. You can't keep this from him." She says.

"It will just make his family hate me more." I tell her.

"Fuck his family Nat. You have to tell him." She says.

"I will. Just give me time." I tell her to get her off my back.

"When does he leave for school?" She asks.

"I have no idea. I haven't talked to him remember?" I remind her.

"I think you should tell him before he goes." She says.

"Just let me do things my way ok?" I tell her.

"Ok fine. Listen, I will be back tomorrow to check on you. Please eat and drink mild things. If you can't stop getting sick, then you have to go to the doctor. Well you have to go to the doctor anyway." She says being motherly.

"Thanks mom." I tell her like a smart ass.

"You are the momma." She says and I burst back into tears.

"It's ok stop. You can come stay with me if you want?" She says.

"Maybe tomorrow." I tell her.

"Ok fine. Text me tomorrow."' She says.

"Ok I will." I tell her as she leaves.

How in the fuck am I going to be a mom?

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