Chapter 12-What I Like About You The Most

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Natalie's POV

I walk into my bedroom, slamming the door and falling onto the bed.

I got kicked out of school! All for a stupid girl that has some stupid issue with me. She just can't leave me alone. I got suspended for 5 days. I was almost expelled until I was able to show the principal what she did to my locker. The principal actually caught her in the act of trying to cover it up. But did she get suspended?! No! She was forced to apologize to me. That's it! A slap on the wrist. But because I put my hands on her I get kicked out. I hate her so much! I know I shouldn't let her get to me this much. I know I normally have my "fuck the world" attitude but she knows how to push the right buttons to set me off.

I sit and stew for a while and decide to find something to watch. After a short while, I am interrupted by a text from Luca.

I am coming up.

I read the text to myself and decide to text back.

Go fuck yourself.

He doesn't respond but a few minutes later he is knocking on my window.

"If you don't open this fucking window, I am going to smash it in." He says through the glass.

I open it reluctantly even though I know he wouldn't really do that.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Go be with your precious Barbie." I tell him as I walk to the other side of the room.

"I tried to tell her to stop. I caught her vandalizing your locker. Then she asked why I was protecting you and I told her I wasn't and then just decided to stay out of it." He says running his hands through his hair. I wish he didn't look so damn good doing it.

"Well fuck her and fuck you. Have a nice life." I say as I turn my head hoping he will leave.

"Well you know it's not true so why do you care? Normally you don't give a shit what anyone thinks?"He asks.

"Because she's just a bitch. And other people believe the dumb shit and I am just tired of her. She took it too far. It's one thing when she says things and I can make snarky remarks back. But what she did was fucked up." I tell him.

"I know. But half the people in school don't pay attention to her anyway." He says still acting like it's not a big deal.

I look at him like he is crazy.

"She's Ms. Popular. Every girl idolizes her." I say as I roll my eyes.

He walks around so he is in front of my face now.

"You don't. And that's what I fucking like about you the most." He says leaning down and placing both arms around me.

"Well you fucking protected her just like you always do." I tell him.

"Did you want to go to jail for murder? I did it more to protect you." He says.

That was kinda sweet but I am still pissed at him.

"I would have loved it." I tell him like a smart ass.

"Well you better hope she doesn't try to press charges against you. Her parents are dicks." He said.

"Well I can get her for harassment. I am sure someone took a picture of it." I tell him.

"Well attempted murder is worse." He says.

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