Chapter 7- Opposites Attract

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Natalie's POV

A very long school day later, and I am heading back home. I managed to avoid Brittany and Luca all day long. Not sure how that happened. I hit my vape as I walk along. Suddenly a voice startles me.

"You know that shit is bad for you." I hear Luca say from behind me.

"Yeah well the way I see it I have one foot in the grave every day so...." I reply.

We walk a few more steps in silence.

"What are you doing anyway? Where is lover girl?" I ask him.

"She's sick." He says.

I make an "o" face as I continue to walk.

"And why are you following me like a stalker?" I ask.

"I don't know. I wanted to make sure you were ok. You seemed very terrified yesterday." He says seeming concerned.

"Why do you care? We hate each other remember?" I say.

"Well I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you , but I don't hate you." He says with a smirk.

"Touché." I reply.

"My hatred I guess is more geared towards Barbie." I say.

"Well Brittany can be very difficult." He says stating the obvious.

"That's a huge understatement. She is horrible. I am not sure what the fuck you see in her anyway." I tell him honestly.

"Sometimes, I feel the same way to be honest. It feels good to say that out loud." He says surprising me.

"Well you just made me like you more by saying that." I reply making him laugh. He has a beautiful smile I must say.

He is hot as fuck.

"Well anyway, I am fine. So don't worry." I respond as I walk ahead.

"You think we could secretly be friends?" He says shocking me even more.

"You mean friends with benefits??" I ask.

"Well maybe a little." He says with a knowing smirk.

"No. You have Brittany. Go get her." I tell him.

As much as I want to say "fuck yeah" I honestly just don't know if I want to fuel the fire anymore between Brittany and I right now.

"Ok. Fine. Fuck it. I can get anyone I want. I don't have to settle for you." He says.

I don't know why, but what he says hurts.

"Good for you! But again if Barbie is so great, why even look?!" I say trying to act like what he just said didn't effect me. Even though it did.

"You know what? Just go to hell!" He says as he storms off.

That was so fucking weird. What the hell is up with him? Brittany must not be giving him any at all.

Later in the week, Jessie somehow talks me into going to a football game. She apparently is talking to one of the boys on the basketball team. Of course he is friends with Luca. Why she is doing that, I have no idea? Sometimes I swear she would do anything that walks.

I put on my favorite black sundress that shows just the right amount of cleavage. It lands right at mid thigh. I decide to change it up a bit and I wear a Jean jacket with my hair curled and black lace up boots. Jessie and I head into the stadium where we meet her date Chris, a guy named Garrett, and of course Luca. I have to say Luca looks sexy. He has on ripped jeans and a hoodie, his hair is disheveled and messy. He looks different. When I look back at his eyes I notice him check me out as well. Especially focusing on my legs and my chest. Jessie and Chris exchange a kiss and we go find our seats.

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