Chapter 36- The Best Day Of My Life

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Natalie's POV

"Natalie, are you pregnant?" Luca asks me.

I am mortified and so scared about his reaction. But he looks completely calm. Why? I guess there is no hiding it anymore. He had to find out sooner or later.

"Yes!" I say as I begin to sob. God I hate pregnancy hormones.

"How long have you known?" He asks seeming mad. I can understand him being mad that I didn't tell him. But the question is, is that the only reason he is mad? Or is it just the fact that I am pregnant?

"Since about a week before you left for school." I finally answer after a short silence.

"Fuck Natalie, why didn't you tell me?! I have a right to know that I am going to be a father. How far along are you? Because I would say it's longer than just 2 months." He says.

"I don't even know. I haven't been to a doctor yet. I found out the night before my grandma died. Then I was taken by CPS a few days later. My life has been so fucked up. I couldn't tell the foster family I was with because of how the dad was." I tell him honestly.

"I understand but he fucking hit you and could have hurt the baby. And because you haven't been to the doctor, we don't even know if everything is ok?!" He says frustrated as he paces the room.

"I know. I planned to go within the next week or so. I just was afraid. But I don't expect you to feel like you have to stay with me. You can go back to school. I can figure it out on my own." I tell him.

"Stop." He says as he comes up to me and cages me against the wall.

"If you think, for a fucking second that I don't want to be with you and have this baby with you, you have lost your fucking mind. I proposed to you today for fuck's sake. I love you and the sooner you figure that out the better. Now kiss me." He says.

I do as he says and I kiss him with more passion than ever. I didn't realize how much I missed this until now. He grabs my legs and I jump into his arms. He carries us over to the bed and lays me down gently as he hovers over top of me.

"I am still so mad at you for not telling me. But I know you have been through a lot. Just please stop fighting this and pushing me away. I am done with my family. I only care about you. Please understand that. I choose you over everything else. I don't care if we both are living on the street, I am not leaving you ever and I am not letting you leave me ever again." He tells me.

"Ok. I promise. I don't want to be away from you again. I missed you so much." I tell him and his lips find mine again. This time it turns heated.

"I am not having sex with you until we make sure everything is ok in there. But I can still take care of you." He says as he crawls down my body leaving kisses in his path. He stops at my belly and leaves the sweetest kiss before nestling himself between my legs.

Without warning he devours my folds as I pull his hair and push his face into me further. He is gentle but passionate as he loves me with his tongue. I moan and groan in pleasure and I go within a minute.

"Luca! I am cumming!" I tell as he finishes me.

"Fuck I missed that so much." He says as he crawls back up me and kisses me sweetly.

I make him roll onto his back as I unzip his huge cock and free it from his pants. I stroke it as I get ready to take him in my mouth.

"Baby, you don't have to." He says.

"I know. I want to. My pregnancy hormones have me very horny these days." I tell him as I now crawl down his body.

"Ok, baby...I am not going to last long. It's been a while." He says sweetly and I waste no time taking him in my mouth.

Up and down I bob on him and he moans.

"Fuck I missed this so much." He groans as he watches me.

He wasn't lying. In a minute's time he is done.

"Fuuuuccckkkkk! Natalie...yes!!" He moans as I finish him.

As soon as I am done, he pulls me up to him and kisses me sweetly. We snuggle together as we both pass out. I sleep better than ever that night. I feel finally safe and secure with my Luca.

The next morning I wake up and Luca is already dressed and ready to go.

"Come on baby. I got an appointment for you today. Let's go get you checked out." He says.

"Ok." I tell him as I get dressed. I am nervous but I know I need to be seen. I hope everything is ok.

At the docs office, the nurse takes my vitals and says everything looks good. I have gained 10 lbs. Which I guess isn't too bad? The nurse tells me to strip down and put a gown on. I do as she says and Luca sits holding my hand while we wait for the doctor to come in.

"Hello, I am Dr. Taylor. It's nice to meet you Natalie." She greets me as she comes inside.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." I say returning her kindness.

"So let's take a look here." She says as she grabs a machine and slides it next to the table I am laying on.

She takes a long wand and inserts it inside me. Luca looks at me a bit mortified at first and the doc must have noticed because she explains exactly what she is doing. Seconds later we hear a loud thumping and see something appear on the monitor on the wall in front of us.

"What's that noise?" Luca asks.

"That's your baby's heartbeat. It sounds great." The doctor says which makes Luca and I smile.

"And the image on the screeen, right there....that's your baby." She says as she points to the screen.

"This is the leg, this is an arm, and that's the baby's head." She says as she points to different places on the screen.

"I would say based on the measurements and what I am seeing, you are about 22 weeks along. Halfway there!" She says.

"Your due date according to the computer is January 5th." She says.

"That's my birthday." Luca says sweetly as he kisses the top of my hand.

"Oh how neat! Would you like to know what you are having?" She asks.

"It's a baby right?" I ask a little frightened for a moment to which she lets out a chuckle.

"I mean the gender." She says with a smile.

"Sure." I answer after seeing Luca's face light up.

"It's a boy." She says.

I look over at Luca and see a tear trickle down his cheek. I squeeze his hand gently and he reaches up to give me a soft and quick kiss.

"Thank you." He says as he stops. It makes my heart do flip flops in my chest.

Luca seems very happy about this. Not all nervous and scared or even angry like I imagined he would be. He really does love me and want us to have a life together.

"By the way, my answer to your question the other day is yes." I tell him and he looks at me confused for a moment before he realizes what I meant.

"You'll marry me?" He asks again just to be sure.

I nod and he kisses me deeply while we sit in complete bliss.

This has been the best day of my life.

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