Chapter 29- Let Me Love You Before I Can't Anymore

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Natalie's POV

Luca is standing in my driveway looking at me. Both of us completely drenched by the downpour of rain. We stand there looking at each other intensely for a few minutes before he takes off running towards me. He picks me up in his arms when he reaches me and kisses me like he knew it was our last.

"Luca....." I begin but he cuts me off.

"Don't say another word. Please just let me love you. Please." He begs.

I just nod and he carries me upstairs to my room. Luckily my grandma is at her friend's house playing cards.

We take turns peeling the wets clothes from one another. Once naked, I begin to shiver. Without another word he picks me up and carries me into the shower and turns the warm water on as he places me underneath it.

"Brittany never deserved you." I say before he crashes his lips to mine.

It makes me angry knowing that this is the last time I will have this. It might be the last time I feel this way again. All because he has to marry Brittany. He continues kissing me passionately as he lifts me and thrusts into my folds without warning. He never breaks the kiss as he slowly pumps in and out of me. I moan and groan through his kisses. I just want to scream "I love you" and "please stay with me" but I can't. I want him to have a good life. His father is right. He can't have that with me. It's not long before we both lose ourselves to our orgasms at the same time.

Once he have both warmed up enough he gets us both towels and we dry one another off. I head to my bedroom to get dressed.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

I look at him like he is insane, while he shuts and locks my door as he tears the towel off of both of his. He kisses me while he walks back towards my bed and I fall back onto it. He climbs down my body as he devours my clit without warning. He does this several times in a row while I scream out during each orgasm. He then takes me just about every which way he possibly can. Even after my grandma comes home and comes to bed, he continues to fuck me all night long. I think he just knew this was it. That we would never have this again. It was the best night of my life but also the worst. I will miss this so much.

The next morning very early, he wakes up ready to sneak out before my grandma gets up and hears him here. Now is the time I have to talk to him. I have to let him go.

"Luca. I have to say thank you for caring about me and doing all you have done to make me be a happier person and to help calm my anxiety. It truly means the world to me. I will never forget you." I begin.

"What? does it sound like you are ending things?" He asks.

"Because I am." I reply.

"No you're not. Stop fucking around." He says trying to laugh it off like I am joking. When he sees how serious I am his face turns angry.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks.

"Because, I want you to go to college and have a good life. I know we won't stay together. I am just being realistic. You are going to find the perfect girl for you. I know. She will be more like you and she will take good care of you. She will be like a girlfriend should be." I explain.

"Shut up Natalie. Shut the fuck up. You are who I want. I love you. I want to be with you. No one else. I came here to tell you I am not leaving. I am staying with you." He says.

"And where will we live? We can't live here with my grandma. I know your dad won't support you. Where will you find a job? We won't be able to afford to leave and go anywhere." I say trying to reason with him.

"I don't fucking care. We will figure it out." He says trying to pull me close to him.

"No Luca. We won't. This is over. Please go enjoy college. Be happy. Be thankful you have the opportunities that you have and the parents you have." I say.

That really struck a nerve.

"Fuck all of them! I hate every single one of them! I can't believe you are doing this? Was this all just a game? Did you use me so I would take you places and stuff?" He asks trying to figure out why I am ending things.

It hurts that he thinks that but I don't correct him.

That really pisses him off and he storms off. He darts down the driveway towards his car and out of sight.

That's not at all how I wanted this to go, but I had to break things off. If I didn't, he would never go to school and he would lose everything. I don't want that to happen to him. I love him too much. And now that I have realized that, my chest aches at the thought that I have lost possibly the only person that has ever loved me.

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