Chapter 28- How Can I Break His Heart?

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Natalie's POV

Luca and I barely speak the entire way home. When we do, it's very short and snippy answers. I am still so angry with him. He could have told me. Especially if he's known for a while what he was going to do which is obvious he did. I don't know why I didn't ask him earlier. I was always afraid to bring it up. I guess part of me was really hoping he wouldn't go very far away. I figured his dad would be controlling though about where he went. No surprise there.

It's been a week of not seeing him or talking to him. He has sent some texts but I don't respond. I am so confused on what to do. Should I just break things off before I get any deeper with him? Or should I forgive him and assume all will be ok if he leaves? Yeah I am a pessimist and I am thinking more about the first option.

But do I want that? Do I want to end things with Luca? The thought of never touching him again, never feeling him inside me, laying naked with me, or kissing me again makes me feel sick. Literally ill. Why am I so attached to him? Why does he mean so much to me? Why can't I just have my normal I don't give a shit attitude when it comes to Luca? Why do I feel an ache in my chest at the thought of losing Luca? Is this what it feels like to truly love someone?

I call Jessie and tell her everything. She tells me I need to go tell him in person how I feel. I am in love with Luca. I didn't know what love is but now I do because of him. Because he shows me he loves me. I feel so stupid. I get off the phone with Jessie and head to Luca's house to surprise him and tell him the truth. That I really do love him.

It's a long walk to Luca's but I make it there about an hour later. I go to the door and the maid answers. She recognizes me and lets me inside. I walk through the house in search of Luca. I overhear him and his father talking from his father's office. I just stay back, out of sight listening. They are arguing.

"Are you fucking kidding me??" I hear Luca ask him.

"Excuse me don't talk to me like that! Watch your mouth. You are a Tate. Tate's are successful businessmen. We go to good schools and build empires. You are not going to just any school."
His father says.

"Why are you even changing your mind? Where is this coming from?" His father asks.

"I just want to stay closer to home." He says.

Aww. He really does love me.

"Why? Because you want to stay close by to your little piece of trashy ass?" He says.

Luca lunges at him but his dad knocks him to the ground.

"Don't talk about her that way! You don't even know her!" He says defending me while his dad hovers over him.

"Son, I haven't interfered with your little "relationship." I have been letting you sew your oats and have a little freedom. But it's time that you come to your senses and let that girl go. She's not good enough for you Luca. She's not marriage material." He says.

"What the hell do you know? You don't know how I feel? Nor do you care! You wanted me to marry that nasty slut Brittany!" He yells.

"Son, you will not talk about her that way. I have been talking to our lawyers and there is no way out of our contract. You have to marry Brittany so you can inherit the business." He says.

I feel like I could throw up. He has to marry Brittany.

"And raise a kid that's not mine?! Fuck no! Like I told you before, keep your business and your money. I don't want it. I will figure things out for myself." He says.

"Like hell! I won't let you embarrass me! If you don't do as I say, you are cut off. No money, no car, nothing. You will be on the street."  His father says.

"You aren't serious!" Luca says.

"Try me!" He dares Luca.

I hear Luca start to stomp out of the office and I take off out the door so I don't get caught eavesdropping.

I head back towards my grandma's house feeling completely hopeless. I can't let Luca choose me and give up his entire life. I don't want him to ever feel what it feels like to have no family and nothing. It's not a good feeling and he doesn't deserve that. All he did was love me and care about me. I am not worth it. I hang my head in shame as I walk back. About halfway through my trip home, the rain starts pouring. By the time I get home, I am completely soaked.

But I see a sight I wasn't expecting in my driveway when I arrive. It's Luca.

How am I going to break his heart?

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