Murder Mystery (3)

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Urgh, OK, OK, here is Author- back from vacation. Btw, Bricket, GUESS WHAT? You know how we had a whole conversation about reading Harry Potter? GUESS WHAT x2 I SAW Harry Potter's school (I think?) in real life. Ah, I had no idea what everything was but it was kinda cool I guess.

The dragons hadn't slept at all with the constant fear of ending up like Walrus and they were way too hyper to sleep anyway. Finally, when the sun rised, a beam lazily shot toward the floor, slowly at first and then when Bookworm came to check on it at awe, it blasted onto the floor, knocking him over. 

Bookworm: Three moons! 

Wild: *scrambles toward Bookworm to help him up* What was that? 

Silver: *grumbles* How should we know? 

*Finally a shadow-shadow, not THAT Shadow, was on the floor when there was no one casting it. Its mouth opened revealing a terrifying smile that stretched from ear to ear.*

???: Howdy mates, so . . . who's up for some claw-to-claw fighting!!!

Stardust: WAIT WHAT? On the first round! How is that fair? 

???: The world is never fair, idiot. 

Silver: *Sarcastic* Oh how terrible . . . terrible my as-


Bookworm: *Leans closer warily to investigate it* What are you . . . ?

???: Well, I'm someone special as I am not of your tribes. . . how disgusting.

Shadow: *Pauses and then he casts a quick glance at a certain someone* 

???: Anyway, ENOUGH TIME WASTED! Let's go~ 

Raindrop: Wait what? No- please wai-

*The dragons are teleported to what seemed to be just a cold dark room. It seemed to be completely made of stone. It wasn't even fancy like Fate'T- and Queen Scarlet's arena.*

Shadow: *Glances around and spots one of Bookworm's scrolls. He breathes fire onto it to his dismay* Alright, got the light source-

Bookworm: NOOO! MY DEAR, BELOVED How to survive a creepy mysterious dragon in a murder mystery BOOK!! HOW COULD YOU!? HE WAS STILL SO YOUNG! Not even a yellow speck is on it!! You- you murderer of scrolls!

Wild: *sobs with Bookworm* I'm so sorry, How to survive a creepy mysterious dragon in a murder mystery, I promise, I'll take care of Bookworm for us. . . let us be reunited in Heaven. How cruel is the world..

Shadow: . . . 

???: . . . Bro- yall are crying over a scroll? How the heck are you going to fight dragons?

Moonshard: Favor the amusers? 

???: Hmm... *throws a scroll at them which Bookworm dramatically lunged at to catch it* Here's your opponents, now, don't forget . . . I'll be watching you . . . *fades into the darkness*


Raindrop: Unroll the scroll, please. 

Bookworm: *Opens the scroll like a pro* OK, so, lemme read it out loud.

1. Silver vs. Shadow 

2. Raindrop vs. Stardust

3. Frog vs. Moonshard

4. Wind vs-

Bookworm: Wait, it's empty. I think you get to skip this one, Wind. 

Wind: *Looks surprised* OH. How pleasant.

Bookworm: Finally we have . . . wait . . . no, no, NO. This can't be . . . what is this?! *He shook the scroll frantically*

Wild: What is it?

Moonshard: *seems to understand* Oh . . . I'm so sorry . . . 

Frog: *Tilts his head, completely oblivious* Huh?

Moonshard: *Hesitates thinking, 'I shouldn't get close to Frog . . . I need to fight him later . . .' Whispers into his ears anyway.* 


Wild: What?! No, no, no . . . I'm sure there's a mistake. Oh, mysterious dragon that is not of our tribes, I think you made a mistake. 

???: No, I did not. 

Wild: You did.

???: You're fighting him. End of discussion. Now, Silver and Shadow~ let's go, I don't have all day- I mean, I do, but I'm impatient so GO. Oh, and lemme just put the rest of you outside. Don't worry, you'll have a glass door to check what's happening. 

Silver: *Stays rock solid* And what if we don't huh? WHATCHA GONNA DO TO ME?

Shadow: YEAH. It's not as if you can-

*levitates to the sky and gets thrown at Silver, both taking damage.* 

???: Does that answer it for you?

Shadow: *gingerly gets up. He decides to be the first to strike at the very least*

Shadow quickly scrambled up to his feet and pounced at Silver, knocking her over. It sent her plummeting to the wall. Silver looked at Shadow with a venomous glare. Shadow took that moment of distraction to fling her over again, running toward her at full speed. Silver smirked and when he was close enough, she launched herself at him, making him fall flat on the floor. She had him pinned down under her grasp. 

???: I see we have our winner. 

Silver: *smugly* He was strong- but careless. The IceWings were right. NightWings think irrationally. 

???: If you hate NightWings so much, then kill him. Why are you waiting?

Silver: I- I'm not sure actually... I suppose *she smirks* I want to see him suffer later?

Shadow: *Looks calm but a mask of fear was on his face* Woah, I'm so terrified.

Silver: *Kicks him* 


???: Hm... how amusing. Two enemy tribes working together to ensure the safety of each other. 

Shadow: Holy crap, how does it know? 


???: Ah, whatever. Fine, take your leave- this is your decision for now anyway. Choose to kill, choose to surrender, choose to talk things out. I don't care as long as I have one winner and one loser. 

Silver: How pleasant. . . *She leaves, heading toward the glass door as Shadow caught up with her*

Shadow: Something's not right.. why is it just letting us do this? Talk things out! No villains would ever suggest that.

Frog: *Perks up as they came* Perhaps they're not the villain?

Moonshard: *smiles softly* Perhaps something within the walls of darkness pecks up closing the light. 

Wind: . . . Maybe

(YALL, I HAD DEDICATION ON THIS! 1000+ words! I am quite proud.)

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