Murder Mystery (5)

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???: A'ight, Moonshard, Stardust, and Raindrop. Time for your battle~

???: Now, what will you entertain us with? A battle? A race?! BETTER YET, stabbing contest-

Moonshard: Oh, no. Hot potato of course. 

???: . . . Are you kidding me-

Stardust: I'm not kidding me, I'm Stardust! 

Raindrop: HAH, IN YOUR FACE! *High fives Star*

Frog: *not sure what he's cheering for* Woohoo . . . ?

???: Fine. Go ahead, I suppose . . . 

Raindrop: *spots Bookworm, reading bedtime stories to his scrolls and snatches one of the scrolls* Found our potato. 

Bookworm: What?! How dare you say that to Barbanozay after some dragonet at recess dropped a potato on him! He has trauma now. AND GIVE BARBANOZAY BACK!

Wild: So disrespectful, tsk, tsk.

Silver: He named a scroll-?

Shadow: HEY, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?! I name my shadows! 

Moonshard: Yeah what's wrong with that- wait what?

Wind: Uh, we should stop losing focus . . . 

Shadow: Agreed. 

Raindrop: Alright. *Tosses the scroll to Stardust, giving Bookworm a heart attack.*

Alas, the three dragons, Moonshard, Raindrop, and Stardust tossed Barbanozay around while chanting "hot potato pass it on, pass it on, pass it on, hot potato pass it on" on repeat. Bookworm was running all over the place in an attempt to save Barbanozay Finally, they got to the last part . . . you . . . are . . . it! 

The scroll was flung into the air, barely missing Wild's snout. It landed with a thump near the shadows. Shadow peaked out from his Shadow whispering, "I am invisible" and then flicking the scroll back into the air, smacking Frog's head. The scroll bounced off of Frog's bOuNcY head and then OFF TO SILVER! The IceWing bristled, making one of her icicle spikes go loose, thrusting itself at the scroll, piercing through the paper. 

Bookworm shrieked in slow-mo as the scroll landed perfectly on...

Stardust: *The icicle thrusted the scroll to Stardust's chest. Luckily, the landing was soft. The scroll merely landed on her talons* HOLY SH-

Bookworm: OH NO, no, no, no! BARBANOZAY! *Tears filled his eyes* You cannot possibly die on me! NO, the world is such a cruel, cruel place. . . 

Stardust: You're checking up on the scroll but not ME-

???: NO! BARBANOZAY! This- this is scroll abuse! Throughout the days, you have already abused so many scrolls! Tsk, tsk . . . you guys are crueler than I thought! 

Shadow: *mutters* says the one who killed thousands of dragons.

???: I HEARD THAT, NIGHTWING! Clearly, you see there is a difference between dragons and scrolls.

Bookworm: See! Mystery-Dragon knows what I'm talking about!

Wild: I DO TOO!

???: Ah, anyway, the next person- dragon *stammers* I mean. Eugh, anyway, we have Bookworm and Wild next. Our tragic group. 

Wild: noOoOooOo

Bookworm: You will not do this to us!

???: Oh yes I will.

Wild: WHY YOU (This is censored for the sake of your eyes)

Frog: Woah, how wild. . . 

Bookworm: Alright, fine. We choose . . . 

???: Yes?

Wild: *smirks* We choose . . . 

Everyone: YES???

Bookworm & Wild: Three-wings race.  (Three-legged race)

???: Huh? But . . . that includes your left and right wings to be tied up together and your other wing to flap in co-ordination. To put it simply . . . that's a game where you cannot lose. I said in the rules that there must be a winner and a loser-

Wild: Yeah, yeah, but, what if we say . . . 

Bookworm: There will be a loser. Not one, but two? 

???: What are you indicating?

Wild: Well, the three-wings race includes at least 4 dragons. Frog and Wind never got to fight. Wouldn't it be fair if they had to fight us? 

???: No. Absolutely not. 

Bookworm: Why not? You seem to like them both a lot. 

???: No, I don't! What are you saying?!

Bookworm: Well it seems as if you-

*Wind suddenly flinched and then mysteriously gingerly slid next to Wild. A small gasp came from their direction, although nobody noticed.

???: FINE, I'LL LET YOU AND WILD OFF THE HOOK. Shut your mouth for godsakes!

Frog: Godsakes? 

???: Silver, Raindrop, and Moonshard. You guys are selected to fight to the death. Be grateful, only one will die. Woohoo.

Silver: What?! ME? But I won! Shadow was the one who got defeated. 

???: Yes, I know. I never said it was the losers who fight.

Shadow: *Sincerely* Uh, good luck . . . 

Moonshard: *Petrified* No. . . no . . . too early . . . 

*Frog hesitantly raises his talon.*

Frog: C-could . . . I fight instead? 

???: What? You want to fight? You do realize this is a fight-to-the-death kind of thing, right? 

Frog: T-t-that's . . . *exhales* alright. I'll do it. 

Moonshard: What? No, Frog, you can't do that! I'm sure Mystery-Dragon won't let you, right?

???: Oh. Sure.

Moonshard: WHAT? You were supposed to force me to fight!

???: But I do like drama~

Raindrop: *murmurs* I can do this . . . I can do this . . . I've been training. Growing outside of the rainforest has done me good. I can show them. RainWings aren't all lazy and useless. I can do it. 

???: Alright, great. Let's start now!

*While the others anxiously followed Mystery(-Dragon), Bookworm and Wild stayed behind. Bookworm tapped his chin.*

Wild: I know that face. What are you thinking, Bookworm? 

Bookworm: Isn't it awfully suspicious . . . that Mystery can be so different from time to time and seem to know absolutely everything we do? 

. . . 

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