Murder Mystery (2)

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The dragons woke up again, but this time it wasn't by the gentle sway of the wind, it was the metallic smell of blood and the shriek of a dragon. 

Walrus: H-H-HELP ME!

Wild: Huh? What *yawns* HOLY CRAP-

Stardust: What is it . . . ? *Eyes widened as she saw the pool of blood right next to Walrus's now dead body*

*Moonshard lets out a terrified gasp and then stumbles around, letting out sharp and quick breaths, old and traumatic memories flooding into her head.*

Frog: Woah, a-are you alright? 


Stardust: *goes to Moonshard and patted her back reassuringly* Don't worry . . . just take deep breaths. I'm sure we can solve this . . . *she gasps herself* HOLY- I CAN'T USE MIND-READING ANYMORE.

Wind: Me neither . . . 

Wild: *she turns to Bookworm with a sly grin.* Any ideas, Mr. Spending-All-My-Time-On-Books?

Bookworm: *Rock solid, nauseous seeing the blood* I-I-I . . . 

Raindrop: Sorry to cut in . . . I think we should just question each dragon. It's very obvious that it has to be one of us who caused this . . . after all, we're in the middle of nowhere. 

Shadow: But how do we know who's not biased and who is? From the way I heard the voice who spoke before we all fell asleep, there were two dragons- although, I suppose they did speak in a terrifying unison-like way. 

Wind: *mutters quietly* It doesn't really matter. We should at least give it a try, no?

Bookworm: I- I agree . . . we should all just question each other I suppose . . . 

Silver: Alright. Great. So it's settled? Right, in that case, I think it's Shadow! He's suspicious and he was the one who confirmed that this was a murder mystery kinda thing without any proof. How would he know? It would only make sense if he was the murderer- even if he isn't, I'm 99% sure that he's hiding something from us!

Shadow: *arms flung to the air* I TOLD YOU IT WAS A GUESS! And, what kind of a scavenger-brain would give themselves away like that!

Silver: Well, that was a very broad guess huh, Shadow? 


Stardust: Although it is awfully suspicious of Shadow to say that, I'm sure we all had that thought cross our mind.

Bookworm: *nods*

Suddenly, the sound of a ruffle stopped the dragons. A loud crackle came from the ceiling before somebody spoke through it. Their voice was deep and had a strange accent to it.

???: Why hello, idiots!


???: . . . Hello, dragonets. Oh dang, this round of dragons is pretty stupid. Corpse'Collector didn't do a good job this time. *dramatic sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with this, huh? 

Stardust: I'm sorry- Corpse'Collector!? 

???: Anyway, since I'm having trouble choosing who to kill off one by one, we'll decide in absolutely thrilling games! Isn't that wonderful? I'm letting yall prove yourself . . . *mumbles something quietly that they could not catch*

???: Now, toodeloo~! Get ready for Tomorrow . . .

Raindrop: OK, now I'm starting to think this is going to be a lot harder . . . 

Frog: Wait, wait, wait- this fate seems awfully like the tragedy of my owner's created world-

Author: HUH? WHAT'D YOU SAY? (There's a twist to this, don't worry, Bricket)

Moonshard: Where in the two continents did the creator of the dimensions burst from the skies from? 

Shadow: Don't we have something more important!? DID YOU NOT HEAR THAT WOMAN-


Shadow: *flustered* I- what- no! AGH, anyway, we're going to be fighting- or playing I guess... these games FOR OUR LIVES! WE SHOULD BE FREAKING OUT AND SNARLING AT EACH OTHER BY NOW!

Silver: Already beat'cha to it. *On top of Bookworm, effortlessly laying on top of him while Wild was trying with all his efforts to pull Bookworm away from her*

Moonshard: *sighs* I can tell this is going to be a long night . . . 

(A/N: ALRIGHT, FIRST OF ALL, SORRY TO WALRUS AND warriorcats2011 of course, (may you rest in peace Walrus). AGH, SOOO, EXPLANATION TIME, I NEEDED A CHARACTER TO BE KILLED SO THERE'S A THREAT AND CONFIRMATION THAT SOMEONE'S ACTUALLY KILLING. OK, fine. I'm killing off characters to move the story at a quicker pace- vacation time, y'know. I will forever brag about this to yall in school . . . heh.)

(Also- I've committed the sin . . . I'm sorry yall. . . I said the word . . . I said "thrilling". *sobs in sacrilegious*)

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