20th of march 2023!

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today was the first day of school this week, and my ex bf is completely ignoring me- great. anyhow, i hugged sylvie alot today, as she is just too exited about everything lmao

also, me brother found lizo's and mikey's yt channels xD just by the small amount of info i gave em abiut the two. it is really impressive, and i'm starting to think he isnt that stupi after all- that thought is scary lets move on reeaalll quick lol

i made a new emote/sticker for lizo too btw, a 'screamer' one. because her twitch sound effects finally work, and screamer is our favorite one :3 she hasnt added it yet, but she will soon! im really hyped lol, i dont feel like sleeping, ever, thats how hyper and hyped i am!

anyhow, thats the really short chapter of today, i dont have much to tell you ^^"

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