i am boredddd

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so i am just writing random stuff xD

random facts time! all of them from my mind directly, so if they arent right, please tell me<3

- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovulcanoconiosis is the name of a lung decease caused by inhaling quartz particles.

- hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the official name of the fear of long words, but noone who has the actual fear can say the name, becuase it is long as frick itself.

- opisthocoelicaudia is a long neck dinosaur.

- ululu means oy oy oy in latin.

- anthropomorfic animals are animals that have human features, like wearing clothes, talking, or walking on its hind legs.

that was it for today lol- im of scavenging for more interesting or weird and random facts!

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