yesterdays part corrupted :,)

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sooooooo awkwardddd

yesterdays part corrupted, so now im just kinda here like: what should i do with this- reason i didnt upload or rewrite it, is bc i just didnt have any more time :,)) sooooooo, yesterday basicly nothing happened- accept for me making the magikarp wanted poster an online thing- which i am probs not gonna post in a new chapter, bc mikey isnt allowed to see >:( oh and, i snuck into the other grades classes again >:) so i had some extra english lessons!

so, that was yesterday, very boring, i know ^^" now, onto today! the exam class of this year did their stunt!!!!! thats bc its their last day with lessons on this school. after this they all get free from school to learn for exams :D so, they did their stunt/ prank, and it was AMAZING

lemme tell ya, the smoke alarm went off, but we all knew it was just the stunt being done, so we stayed in our classrooms, until... we heard the door slam open, we were  grabbed and pulled out of the classroom, onto the halls, and then outside. there the whole school stood, outside in the nice weather of today. we were just kind confused, and then out of nowhere, they started to spray water everywhere with waterguns! we all got pretty wet xD and when that was over, and everyone started to go back inside, they announced that there was going to be a TEACHER SHUTTLE RUN XD like, thats so fricking funny. so, we all follow to a part of the school training fields, to see a bit of the field blocked of by tape. we all go stand around it, and the teachers start getting pushed onto the field, by kids, by the exam students, by other teachers, it was CHAOS. and yall know i love chaos, so it was amazing to see. we are all cheering the remaining teachers on, but they sadly didnt join :,) and so it started, all the teachers were running as if it were for their whole career, and more and more started stopping and seeping out of the square. somehow, somewhere, a dutch teacher (we'll call her ms. van dreven) got a water gun. she started spraying the other teachers with it, and eventually gave it to a p.e. teacher, that we will call mr. masra. mr. masra took the watergun, and emptied it on another teachers head (who i dont know the name of btw) and put it on the ground. but, you ask, why is that such an important part of the story? well, he put it before my feet. that was a big mistake. i picked it up, together with sylvie, and filled it with water from my waterbottle (no not the one from my name, you silly). so now we had a fully loaded watergun, on the first row. we emptied it again >:)) muhahahahaha it was amazing- like, the teachers were soaked xD it was amazing, and when i think abt it i actually smile quite wide x3 at last there were two p.e. teachers left, and they left together, at the 15th step mark. so, it was over, or so we thought! ha! nope! all the classrooms and halls and the cafeteria were completely covered in toilet paper, just like all the teachers cars xDD im so glad i took my bag with me when we were pushed outside, bc every classroom WAS LOCKED! none of my friends could get to their bags xD it was just too perfect! thing is, i still had to let my mentor and one teacher sign my focusperiod form (the focusperiod is when you stop with two classes, to focus on two others), but it was basicly impossible with everything fricked over xD i did get a hold of my mentor though (who is also one of the teachers whose class im focussing on), so that was quite lucky! we just got to go home after all this, so sylvie and i decided to stay together and just walk around a little around our neighborhoods (we live close to eachother) and get some food from a supermarket! so then we had food, and nice weather, so we just walked around, had fun, and decided to sit on a bench. well, we also bought coke (coca cola, not the other one lmao) and i thought the bottle was still closed, and i decided to shake it. bad decicion lmao. the bottle wasnt closed, and uhmmm i may or may not have gotten it all over our stuff xD so i was sticky the rest of the day- anyhow, we cleaned ourselfs as best as we could, and just walked a bit further, before deciding that 'why not stream a little' so we streamed for like 20 mins, before we got to my house, and just said bye to everyone, and sylvie went home bc they had to get a vaccination (idk exaclty which though). and i was still sticky, so i took a nice bath, and did a workout after! i also watched mikeys stream. lizo was supposed to stream too, but their wifi hates them, and they kept failing to play the game on 10 frames per second. their stream was sadly cancelled :<

but anyhow, that was how my day went, and uhmmmmm i never thought id reach the 1000 words almost, but here we are, at the 1000 word mark, and getting more by every word i type! i do have to say buh bye now though, bc my hands actually hurt from writing this x3

soooo, buh byeee

oh and, p.s. im concerned abt a friend of mine. we adress em as crybaby, but i dont want to do that now, as i think his situation actually  isnt very safe at home. he had an argument with his mom this morning, and now she wont let him do anything. like, he called her to ask if we could go to the city to shop n stuff, but she was super mad still, and didnt even listen, just screamed at him. i offered him a place to stay if things ever get any worse. i really hope he's alright- like im very concerned

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