6th of april 2023!

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heya beautiful creatures!

today ive gone to school normally again! the test week is over!! finallyyyyyy

tomorrow we are going to a trampoline park with school (why? idk) and im kinda looking foreward to it! although i consider myself to be kinda grown up, i still love stuff like that xD about the grown up thing, i noticed someone that i know named jacques, who is 18+ also, has started talking to me as if im a grown up too already xD like, he just forgets i am still a minor, and just uses 'big ppl talk' which i dont see many ppl fully do to me (yet!). its kinda funny x3 he just starts of talking to me like "yah, this and that happened" and further on in the convo he is like "oh yeah, taxes suck man" and "politics" xD i love it, absolutely do

and i had my english teacher tell me im very good at english! like, im happy today (and yes, i know, i make grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes too, but im very good at the verbal part of it, i promise! or atleast... thats what the teacher said)

anyhow! on a completely different note: ive grown addicted too sudokus. and i only realised that after i caught myself on my phone opening a sudoku app in class. well, thats that ig xD and i kinda love and also kinda hate it *big nerd energie* but i can finish an expert level sudoku in 7minutes! which is better then 95% of the ppl using the sudoku app i use :P so thats a thing i can do now xD

i was also just messing around with inferkit (a chat gpt), and i put bubble and magikarp in a stream (i ment twitch stream but alr), and this is what it gave me xD

"magirkarp sat there, lonely in stream. suddely a wild bubble appeared, to make the day worse! and it couldnt come back to the surface, and there stood magirkarp, at first scared, and then happier. and a bear appeared next to magirkarp, looking on with his twinkly eyes. the bear wanted to play with magirkarp, and magirkarp also wanted to play.

the wild bubble disappeared, magirkarp and the bear ran away, but when magirkarp was out of sight, the bear came back to the stream and after a few minutes everyone was happy."

its very weird, i know

anyhow, thats it for today, and ill see you all tomorrow!

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