18th of april 2023!

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today was sylvies birthday! happy bday lovely sis! they gave everyone chips/crisps for their bday :D i offered to draw anything they'd like, but they haven't asked anything yet- only thing they want for their bday is money, so when they throws her party im gonna give them a 20 euro bil :3 and more art ofc, bc they deserve it <33 

today i listened to music. alot. lol, even on the schoolbreaks- and i may or may not have made crybaby and sylvie an AJR fan- so now i have a whole AJR fan friendgroup xD honestly, i love it, its very nice to sing along to AJR songs with friends.

i finished so many sudokus today- like, music and sudokus go great together :D today was happy, accept for the fact im really tired- i almost didnt sleep bc my mom keeps worrying abt something we are going to do in two days which i cant tell u guys abt- "savety reasons" my parents say, well, i can say that im gonna be gone for 3 weeks ^^" i am gonna be writing everyday (when possible ofc) in the same chapter though, and then post it all at once, i promise! anyhow, yeah, i didnt sleep very well bc of that, so now i am sleepy bubble x3

anyhow, i dont have much time to talk, so im gonna go now :3 have a great day!

especially for those who went fishing today ;D i hope the weather was well

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