going to school

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I'm going to school for the frist time this week! When I woke up, I was really exited, because I'm going to see Sylvie again! When I say Sylvie, no one knows who tf I'm talking about, so I'll go and tell you: Sylvie is a person from school who I met via a girl named emma, who i will tell stories on a later time.  anyhow! Sylvie is a great friend and i can't wait to see them again :3 They also have a gf, named zippora, and i may or may not have complelled to join a lizo stream- Sylvie loved it so now she is a chaos cousin too. So everyone actually understands: chaos cousins are the following of the original chaos twins, Mikey and Galaxy, Mikey i've talked about before, Galaxy not yet, so ill tell a quick bit: Galaxy is also (yes i know i talk about it alooottt) someone from lizo's chat :3 they are amazingly studious, as im literaly teaching them dutch x3 They have picked up dutch on duolingo too, so I can wait to actually speak dutch with them! anyhows, as I said, chaos cousins: the small explanation! Wait- that kinda sounds like a movie-- good idea? but anyhow on an anyhow, I was looking foreward to going to school again! But that exitement has been completely killed.

I was packing my bag, and i decide to look at any messages i might have gotten from teachers when i was at home. So i go and look (mind you i woke up very early for what i was used to last couple of days), and the only thing i see is: 'im sorry everyone, your first class is dismissed because i thought we had to much time' (we have 3 hours of latin today, so now we only have two -_-) SO I WOKE THE FRICK UP, TRIED MY BEST TO GET THERE ON TIME, AND THE ONLY FRICKING THING YOU SAY TO ME IS 'oh sorry, you don't actually have to be here' SDIJFHSJDFSJFHDJHD

She (lets call the teacher 'latin teacher') is very kind though, and i can't get mad, but they didn't even take the class from my roster! I'm kinda pissed of to be honest. So the diary was a great place to vent. have a nice day everyone TwT and thanks for listening to my tirade x3 have a great day, and until i see you again!

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