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    It all happened to quickly, no one even understood what had happened, well, except Ronnie

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    It all happened to quickly, no one even understood what had happened, well, except Ronnie. Her eagle vision.

"Maestra!" Ronnie stands up straight. "¡Álex empujó a Carmen!" "Alex pushed Carmen!" She points at Alex.

Alex's eyes widen as he frantically shakes his head. "ella tropezó!" "She tripped!" He explains as Ronnie helps Carmen to her feet, of course it was a lie, but was anyone gonna call him out on it?

A voice speaks up. "en realidad te vi empujarla" "I actually saw you push her" Irving. Alex scowls.

"Alexis! ¿me mentiste? la empujaste?" "You lied to me? Did you push her?" Ms. Sanchèz stands by him, he feels himself shake, hoping no one else could see it.

"Sì" Alex sighs, a few kids 'ooo' as the teacher shakes her head.

"Quiero que te disculpes y luego vayas a tu asiento" "I want you to apologize and then go to your seat" Ms. Sanchèz tells him, Alex nods. He had never been in this much trouble before.

"Lo siento Carmen" "I'm sorry Carmen" Alex bows his head. "Oh-- uh.." He stops after thinking she probably couldn't understand.

"It's fine" Carmen shakes her head. "I'm fine, I understood what you said" she gives a thumbs up to the teacher and walks past Alex, shoving him slightly.

Even after he sat down in his seat, he felt where her shoulder was against his, he hadn't meant to trip her, or had he? "Agh! Stupid Alexis!" He grips his hair in his fists, dropping his head on the desk with a loud thud.

Maybe if he apologized better, in english, would she be impressed? He pauses, this is what he wanted though, to be noticed by her. This is the chance he wanted! The chance to be noticed by his crush he met yesterday.

"¡Alexis!" Irving shakes the boy next to him by the shoulder. Alex lifts his head, seeing the whole class staring at him, except Carmen.

Ronnie grins, Alex glares at her. She mouths: Alex, she doesn't like you.

"Alexis. ¿Estás bien?" "Are you okay?" Ms. Sanchèz asks. Alex turns his head back to her.

"Mm.. sì! Maestra!" Alex nods, the teacher turns back to the chalkboard. "No" Alex sighs. How was he suppose to get her attention without getting in trouble? He smiles, staring at the back of her head, maybe he'd just need to do it when the teacher is out of the room.

The next few days was spent tossing paper balls at the back of Carmen's head in homeroom, math, english, any possible way of torment-- he did it, well.. all the ones he thought were possible.

Though, he didn't understand the outcome, why did she hate him so much? He had just wanted to talk to her, and bullying her was working. He'd occasionally get the "leave me alone Alexis" or "shut up you jerk"

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