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      Alex smiles as she admires the decorations he had hung up around the room

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      Alex smiles as she admires the decorations he had hung up around the room. "Alex..! You did this by yourself?" Carmen stares at him, everytime her and her family would set up the party decorations, they would never get anything done because they would make jokes and get distracted; so Carmen would end up doing the work all alone, it never turned out good.

Alex shrugs and places a hand on the back of his neck, glancing at the man in the kitchen. "Well--"

"I helped too"

They both turn their heads to the voice in the kitchen, Quinn. He was sipping a juice bag as he looked to the floor.

"Thank you guys" Carmen beams. "Alex, why do this?" She looks around once more, questioning why he was fixing everything and helping her at the same time.

"I want to be somebody to you"
Alex bites his tongue down with his canine, causing a bit of a smirk on his lips. She wraps her arms around his torso, hugging him. His face turns a deep shade of red, feeling her chest against his torso, he lifts his hands up next to his head, looking down at her flustered. "It-It's no prob-problem at all! Really..!"

Quinn sets his juice bag on the counter, staring at the two, a small glare when he looks at Alex.

"Look, I'm a straight man, Quinn-- and over these four months of getting to know you guys again, I've learnt we've all grown up.. we've all changed and matured!" Alex places a hand on his chest, looking up at Quinn.

"Yeah?" Quinn scoffs.

"I promise you, I was comforting Oliver because he was worried about you. I bet you are a great guy Quinn, an amazing brother, boyfriend, and son. I'm truly sorry if I upset you in any way-- I'm sorry you've lost someone close to you, I've lost a friend before.. a few. But right now, Carmen is gonna get married in a few weeks, and her fiancé is gonna be here in six days. So we need to get our shit together and be friends, because I'm gonna be here for Carmen, if you don't wanna forgive me; we can make this awkward or you can go back to your place" Alex continues. "So what is your choice? Disappoint your family or grow up?"

"Carmen can I talk to you in your bedroom?" Quinn speaks up. Carmen's hands slide away from Alex, she nervously nods.

As soon as they step into Carmen's bedroom, Quinn shuts the door with a sigh. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, turning to face his sister. "Carmen, I'm sorry"

"No, no I'm sorry Quinn" Carmen shakes her head. "You were just doing your job and I got mad at you for it, and attacking you was practically attacking Mia because you've wanted to be a cop for years because of her and I just basically told you your job is annoying..!" She rambles.

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