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     "Carmen I love you! You're beautiful, you're smart, you're funny

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     "Carmen I love you! You're beautiful, you're smart, you're funny. You're so fucking perfect! And I don't care about Victor, I don't care about the engagement, I wanna love you, and I can't stop loving you. So why can't you just leave Victor and be with me? I love you so much more than him, and I would never leave your side like he did. I will make you feel like the best woman in the world.. if you just say you love me back" Alex places a hand on his chest, looking down at Carmen, both smiling. Alex dreamt.

"Oh Alex! Of course I love you!" Carmen sniffles, Alex places a hand on the side of her face and wipes the tear away with his thumb. She throws her arms around his neck and pulls his lips down to hers, he joins the kiss, pulling her close.

Alex's eyes shoot open, he looks up at his ceiling confused. "No.. no, no no" He sits up and looks around his room. He whines and slams his fists down. "Fuck!" Hitting himself hard in the thighs, he drops back down onto his bed and hugs his pillow, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to go back to sleep, trying to dream that dream again. His phone kills the silence, Alex groans and rolls over, staring up at the ceiling once more, close to crying. He decides to answer his phone.


"What is it Karl..?" Alex pouts.

"God, why do you sound so sad?" Karl asks, his mind full of concern for his friend. "Are you okay?"

"I woke up Karl, I woke up from the best dream in the whole wide world.. and y'know Karl? I wish to go back to that dream, and dream of her again" Alex sighs, closing his eyes as his face looks towards the ceiling.

"Her? You mean Carmen?" Karl questions, tilting his head to the side as he turns on his pc.

"Yes Karl.. I finally had gotten what I had wished for and then the world decided to wake me up, what fucking witch put a curse on me to make me suffer like this?" Alex cries out, throwing an arm over his eyes. "I kissed her Karl"

"Wait, wait, wait-- you kissed Carmen.. a woman, who is about to get married" Karl pauses, staring blank at his computer screen.

"Yes.." Alex mumbles.

Karl shakes his head. "Do you need me to repeat that for you? About to get--"

"Karl it was just a dream!" Alex groans. "It obviously wasn't real.." He drops his arm back at his side, looking up to the ceiling. "I just wish it was.."

"Okay.." Karl slouches back into his chair. "Anyways, guess who's coming to California December twenty third!" He sings.

"You?" Alex deadpans.

"Man, you don't need to be such a downer just because you're awake" Karl huffs, pushing himself out of his seat to continue packing as his pc powers on.

"You're right.." Alex smiles. "I'm sorry Karl" He turns his head towards his door. "I actually have to be somewhere today.." He mutters.

"Where?" Karl places a hand on his hip, walking back towards his computer to sign in.

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