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     Alex smiles when he sees the door next to his right open, (he had sat in the middle back seat, scared to sit next to Carmen)

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     Alex smiles when he sees the door next to his right open, (he had sat in the middle back seat, scared to sit next to Carmen).

It was strange, whenever he was with Carmen, he'd smile, which caused a few bad situations.

Carmen looks at him confused, also glaring at him. She sets Mia down gently in the seat next to him. The door on the other side of Alex opens, he turns his head confused.

"Karl?!" Alex yells, Carmen slaps the back of his head, silently telling him to be quiet. "Karl..?!" He whisper shouts.

"I'm just helping Carmen put Axel in the car" Karl sets Axel in the car seat to Alex's left.

"Oh.." Alex watches as Karl buckles the baby into the seat. Carmen closes the door on the other side, walking around to stand next to Karl.

"Thank you, do you want anything in return for being nice enough to help me out?" Carmen looks up at Karl, he just smiles and shakes his head in return.

"Nah, just think about what I said when we were walking over here?" Karl asks with a small shrug. "Have fun, Alex" He snickers, waving to Alex and walking away.

Carmen shuts the door, then gets in the car, sitting down in the driver's seat. She holds out her hand towards Alex, he places the keys in her hand. The car is silent, except for Axel's heavy breathing.

She starts the car and begins to drive back to her place, Alex's hands were gripping his knees, scared of what she'd do to him. What was worse, is that he still had a small smile on his face.

Carmen sighs. Alex looks up.

"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" Carmen mumbles.

Alex giggles. "Sorry..! Sorry, it's just.. it-- that got me" he waves his hands around. "But.. yeah. I'm disappointed in myself too.." He looks out the window to his right. "Sorry.."

"Why did you think it was a good idea to take my kids here?" Her hands grip the steering wheel as she turns the car to the road on the left.

"Uh.. I didn't really. Just, ever since covid and everything, I've blown up in fame.. it's pretty fucking awesome, and my friend recently revealed his face to the world, I didn't want to disappoint our fans, they've been waiting for this for two whole years-- to see all my friends and I all together, it's nice.. to feel-- know, that people care this much about you that they literally start crying.. I love it.. and, I guess that's why I brought your kids here. I didn't want to disappoint my fans, I promise they just sat backstage and they were safe the whole time, they've only been here for two hours and were hanging out with Jack" Alex rambles, Carmen listened, she let's a small breath escape her opens lips.

"That's sweet" she hums.

Alex smiles wider, looking down at his hands that were holding each other, resting on his lap. "Yeah.. it's really inspiring, a lot of them are super nice.. you get some hate but I don't care.. I love my fans" He nods. "I-I-- I'm sorry.." He sniffles, her eyes widen, not expecting him to cry.

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