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     "Status.. single" Ronnie hums, Carmen leans back in her chair as Ronnie leans over her to gain better access to the laptop.

"Ha, yeah Carmen's unlovable" Quinn laughs, rolling over, he was the type to laugh at his own jokes.

Today was saturday, which was the day kids were able to do whatever they wanted. Mia suggested hanging out at someone's house. Ronnie made the excuse that her mom's book club was at her place, her mom doesn't have a book club. Mia lives in a hotel room. Leaving Carmen, now they were in Carmen's house, making her a Facebook account on Dan's laptop.

"This just seems kinda stupid to me" Carmen shrugs. "What's the point when I can just see these kids at school?"

"Well the good thing about social media is the fact that no one really cares who they friend they just want to have the most! That's why I have almost one hundred friends!" Mia explains, showing her phone to the two girls, they both see her following.

That was one of the biggest and only reasons Mia loved social media, she had friends.

"Yeah! I have almost seventy" Ronnie nods. "Here! Me and Mia will be your first two" she smiles, switching tabs and signing into her account.

"Quinn you gotta friend your sister!" Mia points at him, Quinn rolls his eyes and shakes his head, he was lying on the floor, a pillow below his head.

"It's all about Twitter now, you guys are behind" Quinn scoffs, going back on his phone.

"Now.. you accept it.." Ronnie, accepting her friend request she sent to Carmen for her. "There! Oh--" she accepts the friend request Mia sends. "Now, you have two friends" she nods.

"Next, you've got to just go to the people you might know and send a friend request to all of them, and they'll surely accept" Mia steps over Quinn's feet, taking control of the laptop and sending friend requests to everyone they saw on the list.

One of those being Alex.

He gasps, pinching himself to see if it was real, his mother peaks around the corner. "¿Estás bien Alexis?" His mother asks.

"¡Sì! ¡sì mamà!" Alex nods, scooting his chair closer to the desk, placing his hand on the mouse, and clicking accept.

"Now look at your profile!" Ronnie shakes Carmen, who places her finger on the mouse pad and goes to her profile. "Look at all your friends!"

"Seven" Carmen reads. "Guys, I've spoke to more than seven people in this school" she rolls her eyes.

"Some aren't always on Facebook" Mia pouts, poking Carmen's shoulder.

"Who friended you?" Quinn asks, looking up from his phone.

"Uh.." Carmen clicks on her friends list, reading off the names until she stops on one. "Alexis.. Mia you sent a friend request to Alexis!" Carmen groans, she sinks into her seat.

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