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     "I'll take him from here, thank you guys for holding onto him" Karl smiles, waving to the fancy dressed group

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     "I'll take him from here, thank you guys for holding onto him" Karl smiles, waving to the fancy dressed group. Carmen watches as Alex falls against the car, she felt bad, assuming he had felt the need to drink.

"No problem Karl, thank you for getting him home safe.." Carmen smiles back, her smile so much more sad than his.

Alex lifts his head, staring at Carmen, tears build up in his eyes once more. He grabs the handle of the passenger door, swinging the door open and stumbling inside, he slams the door shut and chokes out a sob.

Quinn looks at Alex in the car window, then he turns his gaze to Karl. "Tell Alex I'm sorry"

"Come on dude, you've gotta get up" Karl sighs, pushing himself off the door frame and walking over to Alex, who lied on his bed with his back faced to the door.

"Lea-Leave me alone Karl.." Alex sniffles, squeezing his eyes shut and gripping the bedsheets in one of his hands as the other rested under his head. "I don't wanna hear it.."

Karl looks down at his friend in dismay. "She's expecting you to show up to that wedding Alex..! She's expecting you to give a speech in front of her family, she wants you there! She cares man--"

Alex pushes himself up, turning his head to Karl and staring at him angrily. "You don't know her like I do Karl! Alright? It's hard to go to someone's wedding when you're jealous of the fucking groom! When you're not wanting to be there because it'll only make you feel worse! I-I-It hurts.. so, so much.. I love her Karl..! I want a thousand I love yous from this girl, I want to be happy for the rest of my life with her" He sobs. "But it's never gonna happen!" He cries out, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Because she loves Victor.." He lies back down, pulling the blanket over himself and turning his back to Karl.

"Quinn wanted me to tell you he was sorry Alex.. an-and I don't know what he fucking meant, but I know you probably wanted to hear it. How do you think I feel Alex?! I'm over here trying my best to comfort you and you only shout back at me! I care about you! I love you! I told you from the fucking beginning that loving her was a mistake and you just ignored me like I didn't matter!" Karl yells, grabbing the blanket and ripping it off of Alex.

"You do matter Karl.. you matter to me.." Alex shoves his face into his sheets, wiping a few tears onto the cloth. "Don't think you don't.. but please, just leave me alone.."

"I'm not letting my friend cry alone in a dark room over a girl" Karl rolls his eyes. "I told you Alex.. I warned you. But you just ignored me, I don't wanna say I told you so-- but I did.." He slumps his shoulders.

"I said leave me alone!" Alex snaps back. "I already know you told me so but you think I fucking care? I know, I know, I'm a stupid asshole, an idiot who tried to get with the girl he likes.. aren't I Karl? Aren't I?" He scoffs, closing his angry eyes.

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